Did I ever get a SUPER SUPRISE when i went to the mail box

Started by Ace Lungger, May 09, 2008, 12:47:33 PM

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Ace Lungger

 :o :o
;D ;D :) :)  YOU PARDS ARE THE BEST :) :)
I got a box full of tools today, one's that I was in need of that I di not have the money to buy, when I open the box, my wife allmost had to call 911  :o
  This awesome gift could not have come at or on a better day! We have had storms for four days now, and have kept me in bed all but maybe 3 hours at max since they started, and they are to last 3 more days!

Sir,    I am not going to mention your name out of respect for you, but i want you to know from the bottom of my heart i thank you, I only hope that some day I can repay you and meet you in person to thank you.

This is truely the nicest, kindess, helpfull group of people in the world!
member of the Cas City Leather family!
Member of Storms
Member of Brown
SASS # 80961


Sounds like a good day! Ace, seems like you have an angel watching over yuh!
Historian at Old Tucson
SASS #2171
STORM #371
RATS #431
True West Maniac #1261

Ace Lungger

I think you are right Santee, (more than one) I feel so blessed in so many ways :)
If it wasn't for you guys i don't know if I would of made it threw the winter!! you know we got a few day sof good weather here and my back was liveable, it never stops hurting, but I have days where I get to go to the shop and get in 4 hours of play time, I havn't been out of bed but maybe 3hrs in those 4 days. I am ready for dry none humid days(ha, ha)!
Have you been working on anything new? This new rig I am making is taking 3 times as long as I thought it would! I hope that it turns out decent. I hope some day I will get up the nerve to crave! Have you done any carving?
I went to a Gun show before X mas, and there was a guy that made complete rigs! I looked at one it was nice, had some hand carving and I priced it, it was $500.00 allmost blew me out of my wheel chair!
  Now I totaly understand where he was coming from, if I was to guess I would think a pro, and I think he was, he still had atleast 14 hrs. so you take out $100.00 for leather, buckles, concho's, ect. He would make $400.00, if you deduct $50.00 wear and tear on you tools, he made $350.00 divide that by 8hrs and he made around $24.50 per hour. That isn't very much for the quality work he did!
  This rig I am making and itwill by no means be (PRO QUAILTY) no hand carving, I still can't get my stamps perfectly strait.
And I wouldn't take $250.00 for it, I will have about 40hrs in it when I am done.
Santee, I am sorry that i got so long winded, please excuse me!

member of the Cas City Leather family!
Member of Storms
Member of Brown
SASS # 80961

Black Powder

Ace -

You are one enthusiatic, grateful & humble son of a gun.  I'm happy for 'ya.

Pards, it's not a bad idea to pause, take a breath (courtey of Ace) and reflect.

Cool beans.

I've got my excuses and I'm stickin' to 'em.

Dalton Masterson

Thats great Ace!! Thank you to the great anonymous one, for helping out our friend in need. Was a very very generous deed. You will have to post some pics of what you got! DM
SASS #51139L
Former Territorial Governor of the Platte Valley Gunslingers (Ret)
GAF (Bvt.) Major in command of Battalion of Western Nebraska
SUDDS 194--Double Duelist and proud of it!
RATS #65
Gunfighting Soot Lord from Nebrasky
44 spoke, and it sent lead and smoke, and 17 inches of flame.

Marshal Tac

If no one else will say it, I will... You guys are some of the least selfish and big hearted pards I have ever seen... You offer advice when asked, encouragement when needed and compliments free of charge... Then you go out and make a pards day like that. I think is sounds like his MONTH was made.  If I could do it over this here 'lectiric wire, I'd offer you'all my hand extended in friendship, for a honest handshake.
-Marshal Tac
"Well Mayor, I think we did our good deed for the day."
BOLD #763
SBSS #1909

HorsePen Henry

DITTO!!! What a great bunch a guys. Have fun Ace with yer Christmas presents.

X Horse Pen
The more you read and observe about this Politics thing, you got to admit that each party is worse than the other. The one that's out always looks the best.
-Will Rogers-

The price of FREEDOM is in blood and money and time. Mostly in blood. It aint free.
Belly up to the bar and quit yer bitchin'. Be grateful to those who have paid the ultimate price.
-Horse Pen-

"Never squat with yer spurs on and never high five a baby after waffles."
-author unknown, but it coulda been Will Rogers-

STORM #300


Ace, to answer your question, I haven't tackled carving yet. I just made a skirt pattern for my 7 1/2" Colt, but haven't picked up the knife until I'm certain that's what I want. Keep going back and forth on skirt or Slim Jim...

Sure, could do both, but only have leather right now for one!! Priorities: more leather or a tank of gas...

You playing with your new toys yet? :D
Historian at Old Tucson
SASS #2171
STORM #371
RATS #431
True West Maniac #1261

Ten Wolves Fiveshooter

Howdy Ace  ;D ;D ;D

         I just read the NEWS, this is woderful, I know just how you feel pard, I had a friend help me get started, he couldn't work with his hands anymore because of Arthritis, so he gave me his tools plus a bunch of accessories, I couldn't have been happier and more gratfull to this friend of mine, I didn't relize just what a great gift it was untill I started useing the tools and learning how each one worked , and how to use them, it's a gift that just keeps on giving.
         Who ever you are that did this wonderful thing for Ace, I'd like to thank you , he's a good pard and deserving of this. and now there won't be anything to hold him back, I know Ace is a happy man right now.

                                     take care Ace and your unknown Friend, enjoy your new Toys Pard  :D ;D ::) :o 8)

                                                                 tEN wOLVES ;) :D ;D
NRA, SASS# 69595, NCOWS#3123 Leather Shop, RATTS# 369, SCORRS, BROW, ROWSS #40   Shoot Straight, Have Fun, That's What It's All About

Marshal Will Wingam

Howdy, pards. What one pard did for Ace is truly outstanding. I'm honored to know the lot of you.

SCORRS     SASS     BHR     STORM #446

Ace Lungger

Howdy Pards,
i feel very humble to have people around me here on this forum, as i stated you pards are the very, very best of folks, in todays world, most people think only of there self's and no one other! Before I got hurt, I helped everyone I could, if it was something I could do.
Now I know why i did those things, what comes around , goes around :) :) In my mind all of you pards on here are Hero's because of the open arms and wanting to help others!!
  I want to thank each and everyone of you for allowing me to be a part of your family!!!!

God Bless you!!

And I am having fun with my NEW TOYS  :) :) :) :)
member of the Cas City Leather family!
Member of Storms
Member of Brown
SASS # 80961

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