How'd you come by your Alias? Is there a story behind it? ** Photos Added **

Started by Two Flints, January 02, 2007, 11:48:30 AM

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Marshall Mims

There's lots of Branches on our family tree, and the our Mims bunch arrived in Virginia in the 1600's and they're all over this great country. Seemed like a nice fit for an Alias. Interesting tidbit, one of my Mims ancestor's brother was a great grandfather of Zerelda Mims, wife of the outlaw. My 45 Colt Blackhawk bears her name, Zerelda.

"Ya'll slow that horse down to a walk, so's you don't splash water and mud on the ladies, when you're ridin' through town."

Marshall Mims

Arizona Trooper

Back when I was a kid, Arizona was my home away from home. My grandfather had bad arthritis, so he and my grandmother moved there in the days before AC. (They say everyone who moved to southern Arizona before AC did it for their health.) It must have worked, he lived to 99 and was still walking around to his dying day. She made it to 100.

Although I'm from Va, some of my fondest childhood memories are of camping, hiking and shooting in Arizona. Later I went to the University of Arizona. In Va. I had ridden with the 4th Va. Cavalry. In Arizona, I quickly fell in with the 8th US infantry (with occasional cavalry duty).

So, when it came time to pick an alias, it had to be something that combined the post CW west and Spencers. Arizona Trooper fit the bill.

One of these days, we're moving back West, and probably to Az, or New Mexico. Unfortunately, Tucson is getting a bit too hectic, but there's a lot more to the state than Tucson and Phoenix.

By the way Tubac, I have an interesting account of the Mowry-Cross duel in Tubac just before the war (Burnside's Carbines and 40 paces!). 


I reenacted in the short lived 5th Tenn (Union).  The guy who organized it insisted on being called Col.  We could only get 6 or 7 total at any event (a horse was mandatory to be a member), but we had one Col, one Short Col, two Majors, 2 Capts & me.  I figured I would be the one and only Pvt. 

At that time in my life I was working for the big corporate monster & traveling a lot so I couldn't make many of our mid week practices, but due to a "home on Friday, leave on Monday" policy I made all the weekend events.  At one event I was reprimanded for my lack of attendance by the "Col" with the support of his "staff" & told I would have to be "punished" - and they were serious about it!  I quit with an expletive.  I then turned to get my stuff when to my surprise was Pattoned (slapped) from behind by the "Col".  I turned and Hollyfielded him (ie a right cross, followed by a left upper cut), which knocked him silly and broke a knuckle on my left hand.  All this while the other units around us laughed their faces off.

Well I got my stuff and while I was putting "toots" my horse in the trailer I borrowed for these events from a friend, My erst-while fellow unionists were yelling at me that I "s**ked as a private greg".  After a year I got a call from a guy with another unit asking if I wanted to come out with them.  When I got to the event, I kept getting called PvtGreg.  Since I was glad to be with what turned out to be a real quality group, I never had the heart to tell them my reenacting alias is "Mort".  Eventually I was voted Sargent one year, but the name stuck.

A lame but true story.  The moral of the story - don't join a group where the Cols out number the privates.

Tuolumne Lawman

Quote from: PvtGreg on August 08, 2007, 12:43:02 PM
The moral of the story - don't join a group where the Cols out number the privates.

I worked at a Police Department in Washington state where brass seemed to outnumber patrol officers!
CO. F, 12th Illinois Cavalry  SASS # 6127 Life * Spencer Shooting Society #43 * Motherlode Shootist Society #1 * River City Regulators


nothing real strange here...geo is short for george; not the car or short for geode. geo.


My alais, If it correctly be called that, is the Celtic spelling of my baptisimal name Cyril alais Cyrille
CYRILLE...  R.A.T. #242
"Never apologize Mr.; it's a sign of weakness."
Capt. Nathan Brittles {John Wayne} in "She Wore a Yellow Ribbon."

"A gun is  just a tool. No better and no worse than any other tool----- Think of it always in that way. A gun is as good--- and as bad--- as the man who carries it. Remember that."

Compass Will

Mine is easy, I can't shoot CASS yet (not enough guns) but I wanted a name to post here.
My name really is Will, and I really do live in Compass.  However, Compass Will is taken on CASS, and Compass Rose is a girls name (my last name starts with Rose).

Then I started thinking (I know, it can be dangerous).  My family history goes back to when they came over as Hessian solders for the revolutionary war, then settled in the Wild West (Central PA, just north of Gettysburg) after the war.  Back to the story. Every born Male is named after there Great Grandfather.  My Grand father was Abraham (pronounced Abra'm) but I have a Daughter (My wife says she is lucky). 

I was searching civil war records and found this.
Abra'm RosenXXXXX, Farrier, Joined Sep 24, 1862, Discharged by General Order, June 16, 1865. He would have been my Great Great Great Grandfather (I think?).

Maybe I will switch to Abra'm.  Its strange enough that its still available in CASS.
SASS 79000

Four Eyes Henry

I am named after my grandfather (Henderik)  and my grandmother used to call him "Henry".

The first rifle I used in a CAS match was a Henry rifle and you can guess the rest.
DWSA #102
SASS  #16042
BDS    #2197

He will come to your house carrying a sixpack of goodwill and joy. The Reverend Horton Heat

Two Flints

Una mano lava l'altra
Moderating SSS is a "labor of love"
Viet Vet  '68-69
3/12 - 4th Inf Div
Spencer Shooting Society Moderator
Spencer Shooting Society (SSS) #4;
BOSS #62
Fur Trade Era - Mountain Man
Traditional Archery

Forty Rod

Rod (surveyor's measure) = 16 1/2 feet

40 rods = 660 feet, 220 yards, 1 furlong, 1/8 mile.

Some guy in high school (I don't remember who.) started calling me Forty Rod Kid (And I don't remember why.) and it got shortened to Forty Rod.

Went by Iron Bear when I was shooting muzzle loaders (A .50 ball ricochetted of a palmetto log and bounced off my chest.  Hurt like hell and left a bruise the size of a dinner plate, but didn't break the skin.  I was fairly new to M/L  and had been called Cub or Baby Bear until then.) but it didn't sound right, so I reverted back to Forty Rod.
People like me are the reason people like you have the right to bitch about people like me.

Deadeye Don

Great Lakes Freight and Mining Company

Judge Roy Bean

Years ago I was at a large reenactment camp and a very hot summer, we do have them occasional in the U.K.
I purchased a sombrero of a blanket sale outside one of the tents.
As I was going back to my tent wearing said hat a group of guys sitting outside there camp drinking coffee one shouted here comes
Judge Roy Bean The Law West of The Pecos. And the name stuck as they say the rest is history.
Texas & Miss Lilly.
  shoot"em"first hang "em" later.

Six Shot

Seeing that we mostly shoot six shot single action revolvers of the period my alias should be intuitive shouldn't it? Well not exactly. SASS and most other cowboy action shooting and western reenactment organizations require only 5 rounds be loaded in revolvers with the hammer down on the empty chamber. The first stage of the first SASS match I shot in I pulled my pistols out of my holsters and let 'em fly downrange and as they struck each target the spotters yelled out "Hey, he shot six!" I looked at them dumb-foundedly and said well ya' they're six-shooters aren't they? As I recall I got a 10 second stage safety violation and the name "Six Shot" stuck.  :o
NRA/ILA, GO-NH, LFGC, PVFGC, Merrimack Valley Marauders, White Mountain Regulators, Gunnysackers
SASS#66105 GAF#566 STORM#294 SSS#207 BOSS#181 RATS#417

Texas Lawdog

I'm a Texan native born and I have been a LEO for 37 and a half years. I am still an active full-time officer and hope to put in 40 years before I retire.
SASS#47185  RO I   ROII       NCOWS#2244  NCOWS Life #186  BOLD#393 GAF#318 SCORRS#1 SBSS#1485  WASA#666  RATS#111  BOSS#155  Storm#241 Henry 1860#92 W3G#1000  Warthog AZSA #28  American Plainsmen Society #69  Masonic Cowboy Shootist  Hiram's Rangers#18  FOP  Lt. Col  Grand Army of The Frontier, Life Member CAF
   Col.  CAF  NRA  TSRA   BOA  Dooley Gang  BOPP  ROWSS  Scarlet Mask Vigilance Society Great Lakes Freight and Mining Company  Cow Cracker Cavalry   Berger Sharpshooters "I had no Irons in the Fire". "Are you gonna pull those pistols or whistle Dixie"?

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