Stuck Firing Pin + Extension

Started by nactorman, November 26, 2011, 10:50:41 PM

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While doing some shooting today, the firing pin of my 1860 Henry stuck in the forward/fired position. I figured I would disassemble the piece to investigate. The problem is that I cannot get the firing pin extension out of the breech block. I have removed the pin that secures the extension in the block, but the extension is stuck fast in the breech block and the firing pin is still in the forward/fired position. I have tapped, tugged, pulled, jiggled, cussed, and fussed with it for several hours without the slightest budge. I was wondering if anyone else has encountered this problem and what the trick is to getting those pieces apart so I can access the firing pin. Any help would be appreciated.


How old is your Henry?  In addition to a much larger pin, the newer ones also have a lock in the breech block that has to be removed.  If yours is the older type with just a small pin and it is removed, will the extension turn in the breech block?  If not, check to make sure the retainer pin didn't break and a piece is still in the block.  (Stick a small drill bit throw the hole to make sure there is nothing in there or hold it up in front of a bright light and make sure you can see through.)


Thanks for the reply. Can you tell me more about the lock in the breech block?

I have removed the pin and checked to make sure there is nothing in there. I can see through it. The pin extension will not turn or budge at all.

I'm not sure the weapon's age. It was pre-owned when I got it. Seems like the fellow said about 7 years old, although I don't remember exactly. (I say pre-owned as opposed to used since the previous owner never fired it. It was still in the box, but without any manual.)

I have fired it quite a lot and always clean it up after each outing, including removing the sideplates, etc., but have never attempted to disassemble the firing pin assembly until today. I have a feeling that there must be something else that I'm not doing - maybe the breech block lock is it.



If it is seven years old, it is the old style.  Here is a diagram of a 66, the lock is part 721.  You have to drive out the pivot pin in the breech block and then the lock can be pulled down.  It is very obvious if it is there.  I hesitate to give suggestions for a problem like yours without seeing the gun.  IF I was absolutely sure the pin (and lock if the gun has one) is out I will tell you what I would do.  I would use some brass sheet stock about 1/2" wide and .030 or so thick.  Cut enough to make a horseshoe to drop over the firing pin extension and to FULLY cover the sides of the extension.  I would then clamp a Vice Grip on the brass MAKING 100% sure none of the Vice Grip jaws were touching the extension.  I would then move the Vice Grip left and right a little at a time until the extension moves in the breech block.  Then I would start applying rearward pressure while twisting the Vice Grip from side to side.  Now that is only me.  You can try it IF you are absolutely sure something else isn't binding the extension.  Sounds like the firing pin is broke or a burr or piece of dirt has bound up the extension.  Hopefully, you have removed the hammer.  Most extensions will not come out of the receiver if the hammer is still in the gun.  If the firing pin is broken buy a tool steel replacement.  The stock pins frequently break at the transition between the thin forward part of the pin and the thick rear part.  Uberti leaves a 90 degree shoulder at the transition and this is a fracture point.

Sean Thornton

Were the pictures I e-mailed any help and were you able to solve the problem.  Hope you got it going again, they are a blast to shoot as you well know.  Hope to see you at the 150ths.  Are you going to Shiloh?  Our WSS will be there in force, around 25 or so, unfortunately with muzzle-loaders and not Henrys.

Quote from: nactorman on November 26, 2011, 11:25:08 PM
Thanks for the reply. Can you tell me more about the lock in the breech block?

I have removed the pin and checked to make sure there is nothing in there. I can see through it. The pin extension will not turn or budge at all.

I'm not sure the weapon's age. It was pre-owned when I got it. Seems like the fellow said about 7 years old, although I don't remember exactly. (I say pre-owned as opposed to used since the previous owner never fired it. It was still in the box, but without any manual.)

I have fired it quite a lot and always clean it up after each outing, including removing the sideplates, etc., but have never attempted to disassemble the firing pin assembly until today. I have a feeling that there must be something else that I'm not doing - maybe the breech block lock is it.

"Victory thru rapid fire"
National Henry Rifle Company"


Thanks all for the advice. It appears mine is an older model without any sort of key. I worked on it again this evening. After removing the pin, I tried the wrap + vice grips with no luck. Tried twisting, tugging, and generally everything I could think of short of something that would be destructive. The firing pin is still stuck fast in the forward/fired position and the pin extension has not so much as budged. Rather than do anything I'd regret later, I decided to soak the parts in penetrating oil and hope that helps break something loose. I'm really stumped as to how it could have become so bound up. I'll give it another go tomorrow and report back. In the meantime, if you think of something else, I'm all ears. Thanks all.
PS: Andrew, I will be at the 150th Shiloh, but will be taking the cannon. We are going to be portraying Robertson's Battery for that weekend.



Where do you live??  What state??



Two places, really. I am back and forth between Lumpkin, GA and Destin, FL.

BTW, I worked on it again last night for a while. Still no luck. The firing pin itself seems to have retracted slightly into the breech block (now almost flat with the face of the breech block), but the extension still does not appear to have budged at all, despite my many efforts. Am contemplating drilling a hole through the extension and using that to get some leverage and possibly be able to rotate it back and forth a bit in order to break it loose. I realize I'll have to get another extension, but at this point I'd be willing to just to get things going again.

I'll think about it over the weekend. All the best.



I don't work by mail, and was going to suggest "The Ottaway Smith" in Tennessee, a very good smith to take a peek at your rifle.
There has to be a little piece of the cross pin that retains the extension rod, caught between the rod slot and the side of the bore in the Breach Block (bolt).  There is no other explanation.  Other than a little piece of something stuck in there.
You may want to remove the butt stock and hammer from the frame.  Clamp the barrel in a well padded vice and lightly  tap the extension rod "into" the breach block and then try and turn it a little bit to see if it releases.
The next step is use a micro torch to heat the breach block while you tug on the extension rod.  Keep the torch away from the brass.
Also might try a steel rod down the barrel to drive against the firing pin.  Carefully.



Hi All,
  I've been meaning to post an update for a while. After much fiddling with the Henry, I took it to a local shop experienced with lever actions. They were stumped at first too and unable to get it apart. They, apparently, tried some of the same stuff I had - soaking with penetrating oil, clamps, vice, etc. Ultimately, they decided to let it soak, submersed, for a couple of days and come back to it. Sure enough, that did the trick and it came right apart! I've cleaned everything up and it seems to be working flawlessly again. I guess I will disassemble the breechblock + pin extension after each outing in the future for clean up. As Paul Harvey says,...


Steel Horse Bailey

Nactor Man - Howdy!

Glad it worked.  (Back when it did - I'm a little off on my timing.  ;)All is well with the world, now.   Or not ...  We'll see after the elections.


Seriously, we're happy for you.  I've been following this and I've been rootin' for ya all along.  Pettifogger sure was a help, too!  This shows how great many of the folks around here are!

"May Your Powder always be Dry and Black; Your Smoke always White; and Your Flames Always Light the Way to Eternal Shooting Fulfillment !"

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