Club Questions

Started by Ringer, December 23, 2004, 09:59:34 AM

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Just some questions about your clubs.

Are you incorporated?
Profit or non-profit?

501(c)3 if non-profit?

Own your range?
If own, how did you acquire it?

Rent or lease?
How much?
How did you wind up at that location?

How much acreage is involved with your range?

How many members?
How many shooters(members and non-members) on average?

How many stages do you shoot?

How many bays or shooting stations do you use?

Do you have an annual shoot?
One day or more than one?

Anything else you want to tell me.


Big Hext Finnigan

Howdy pard,

You might do better asking for emails and letting folks know why you want the information.  Not to be paranoid, but that's pretty vital club information to leave out in cyberland.



Hmmm, our club has a monthly match, an annual 3 day match where we raise money for chairity.  You are supposed to be a memeber to shoot, but you can shoot at 3 matches before joining the club.  Our range has an archery, trap, skeet, combat, multi position rifle and pistol ranges, and 4 pits that can have different things going on in them.  The cowboy range is seperate and permantly set up.
SASS #48097
NRA #2008175
Gateway Shootist Society
Member of The Torque and Recoil Club
B.O.S.S. #19
RATS #130


If you want to email me the answers that would be great.

I am asking because I would like to know the BEST way to put a club together. Answers from successful clubs would help me out a lot!

We have a local club but had much difficulty getting it started and these were just some of the questions we had.

We muddled through it but we still don't know if we have all the bases covered.

It would be nice if there was a guide to getting a cowboy or any shooting club started. Answers to these questions and probably some others I didn't know to ask would help in a start to putting such a guide together.

Thanks for looking,



Browsing thru the posts and finally read yours.  Back in '90 I started organizing the 1st cowboy action shooting in North Texas.  This lead to the formation of the second cowboy club in Texas;  LSFSC.  It's still going and I'd say vitally(sp?) so.  We started with 6 members who comprised the Board of Directors, and by the end of the 1st year were up to about 50 annual members and 10-15 life members.  We leased land and have had to move only once (that I'm aware of). 
The first thing we did (and probably the most important) was to visit with a lawyer who's also a fellow shootist to organize ourselves into a not-for-profit corporation in accordance with State law, IRS rules and NRA rules (the only way to go insurance wise).  You can contact the NRA and they will be happy to send you the requirements and application form.  They'll also include a set of sample by-laws as guidance.  You may also contact your State Rifle Association for organizational tips along with do's and don't.  Don't get discouraged, and keep sluggin' away, 'cause almost 15 years from now when you show up at a match it'll seem very rewarding!?
I've seen many changes over the years in both our club and in CAS in general.  Some I like, some I don't.  But, most importantly, I still have fun!
To answer some of your other questions, if you still need them, I'll forward them to one of the current club officers and they can decide if they wanna answer 'em; (I just kinda show up and shoot now and again).
NRA Life
SASS Endowment
CMSA Charter Life
LSFSC Life (founding member)
SASS/CMSA #93 Endowment
NRA Patron

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