Lets talk about......carbines

Started by Mulee Pete, February 12, 2008, 08:07:30 PM

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Mulee Pete

So in a perefect game world, I could afford to get everything period correct, including all the accessories.  But....since it is not, I need to beg forgiveness and ask if a Spencer in .45 would be to far out of the pale.  I just do not have the abillity to reload several calibers.  My 1858 Pietta Remmingtons have .45 conversion cylinders, it would be nice if my carbine could be the same.

What says the Barracks?
Saddler Sargeant GAF Department of the Platte, #521
SASS Life #34368
USN Life (Ret.)

Keep track of your lustrums!

Dusty Tagalon

Spencer Carbines are good in any caliber. Mine is 44 Russian. I would have preferred 44/40, but at the time I took what was available. As is, i ended up with one of the prototype run.


Mulee Pete

I had seen the avaliable calibers for ther Arrmi Sport and wondered how the .44 Russian compaired to the .45 Schofield.  Would you suggest the .44 Russian over other calibers?

Saddler Sargeant GAF Department of the Platte, #521
SASS Life #34368
USN Life (Ret.)

Keep track of your lustrums!

Dusty Tagalon

I have herd a lot of complaints about the 44 Russian bullets, main complaints of jams. I have a Spencer in 44 Russian, I have tried a hand full of bullets. I found it worked best with the 200 grain flat nose. The 180 grain was too short, & a little to narrow, it got caught & forced a little sideways. 200 grain truncated were really bad. The 44 Russian Spencer isn't produced any more. It would probably be better to stay with the larger diameter calibers.


Mulee Pete

Good to know.  Thanks for the tips Dusty.

Saddler Sargeant GAF Department of the Platte, #521
SASS Life #34368
USN Life (Ret.)

Keep track of your lustrums!

Rancid Roy

Hello Mulee Pete,

Search the Spencer site and you will find a lot of info on the guns, mostly about Taylor's Spencers. They are now being made in .44/40, .45 Long Colt, and 56/50 Spencer Centerfire. You will do well with the .45 Long Colt perhaps.

I shoot a 56/50 Centerifre and enjoy it very much.

And if you have any problems with Taylor's Spencers they willl stand behind fixing them.

Regards, Rancid Roy.
Ne'er Do Well    Chicken Thief

Back Shooter     Ambush Expert

"You hold'em and I'll shoot'em."

GAF 104 Scout and Scoundrel

Mulee Pete

Thanks for the lead Roy, I'll read up on the Taylor site.  I'm finding the search is as much or maybe a bit more fun than than the finding.  I like the learning.

Saddler Sargeant GAF Department of the Platte, #521
SASS Life #34368
USN Life (Ret.)

Keep track of your lustrums!

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