.50 cal Sharps questions

Started by Haggis MacGurk, November 05, 2007, 08:22:32 AM

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Haggis MacGurk

Howdy Fellas,
                    I'm wearing my new guy hat when it comes to Buffalo rifles, so please bear with me when the questions start flyin',

  I'm not completely new to this type of shootin' fun, as I have an Uberti Highwall in 38-55 that I absolutely love. I'm thinking about feeding my growing addiction with an 1874 Sharps as well. I've been looking at all the major brands, and all kinds of calibers, but I'm leaning towards the bigger ones, either 50-70, or 50-90. I know this pretty much means that I have to go with Shiloh, or C.Sharps, etc. over the Italian stuff, but the price difference and wait time is not that much of a factor. Not that I'm a rich man, but if yer gonna spend a couple thousand anyway, why not spend a little more to get what ya want?

Anyway, my question is this; With an average weight, and average load, is this thing gonna try and tear my shoulder off every time I touch the trigger? I have fired several weapons in 45-70, and bigger(.50 BMG), I'm just curious about recoil of these calibers. Keep in mind that this rifle will be strictly for my shooting pleasure, and the occasional side match. I also load my own ammo, so a ready supply of stuff to feed it is not an issue.



Fox Creek Kid

The 50-90's kick like like a SOB and most people regret anything under a 16 lb. gun, which ironically Shiloh charges an additional $650 for as well as a several year wait. The 50-70 is a far better and more practical cartridge. The BIG problem with modern 50's is the twist rate. The original Sharps were approx. 1 in 34" twist rate and the repros. use a 1 in 22" for which you need a bullet of 600 - 700 gr. to stabilize..............and boy do they kick.  ;)  I would advise you to find someone w/ a 50-90 and shoot it before buying. Did I mention that the 50-90's kick?  ;D ;)


I agree... 50-90s CAN kick.  The 50-70, on the other hand, will do 85% of what a 50-90 can do and is not bad to shoot at all.  Stock design has a LOT to do with it.  A rifle with a flat buttplate, a pistol grip and a fairly straight comb is a joy.  A crecent buttstock with lots of drop and a 550 grain bullet can knock you loose from your dentures in short order.  The worst offender?  Some of the original Remington Rolling Block carbines in 50-70.  They have so much drop to the stock that with a good cheek weld, you are looking DOWN THE BORE.  Stick with a fairly straight stock and you will do just fine.  I speak from the experience of owning/owned a couple of 50-70 Rollers, and having a Shiloh on order.  The 50-70 is one of my favorite calibers!   ;D

"We thought about it for a long time... 'Endeavor to persevere.' And when we had thought about it long enough, we declared war on the Union."

Lone Watie


I have an original .50/70 Rem. Roller three band musket. I find it more pleasant to shot than my .45/70 trapdoors.
I remain, Your Ob'd Servant,
Jerry M. "Pitspitr" Davenport
(Bvt.)Brigadier General Commanding,
Grand Army of the Frontier
BC/IT, Expert, Sharpshooter, Marksman, CC, SoM
NRA Benefactor Life; AZSA Life; NCOWS Life

J.D. Yellowhammer

Just out of curiosity, why a .50?  There are a lot of 45-90's and even 45-110-s and 120's around.  The BPCR crowd shoots a lot of 45-90's at 1000 yards (and the 70's, 110's, etc.).  It's cheaper to load because of less lead/powder.  And you can find more bullet moulds for 45's than anything else. 
I have a 45-70 and a 38-55 and if I ever hit the lottery I'll get a 45-90.

By the way, I'm not trying to steer you away from the .50.  By all means, go for it.  Variety is the spice of life and if we all liked the same thing it would be a mighty boring world.  Someone once said, "if both of us were exactly alike, one of us would be unnecessary."
Lunarian, n.  An inhabitant of the moon, as distinguished from Lunatic, one whom the moon inhabits. (Ambrose Bierce).  Which one are you?

Haggis MacGurk

Good question. Why a .50? As I stated above, I have a 38-55, and have fired a bunch of rifles in 45-70. I'm actually seriously considering a trapdoor in 45-70. I do understand the problems of availability of ammo components for the .50, but like you mentioned in your post, I want something a little different. Mebbe I'm trying to compensate for something? :'( ;D

Actually, if the right deal fell in my lap, I'd probably go for something in a .45. Especially after talking with Shiloh on the phone today. Didn't know the wait would be THAT long ???(2 years)


When I can afford a Shilo I plan on getting one in 50-70, I want a round barrel with about 26" of barrel, to keep the weight down.  But I want it as a hunting rifle that is easier for this old guy to carry than the Pedersoli I have now, I am a walker, not a sitter.
Mongrel Historian

Always get the water for the coffee upstream from the herd.

Ab Ovo Usque ad Mala

The time has passed so quick, the years all run together now.

J.D. Yellowhammer

Quote from: Delmonico on November 05, 2007, 05:19:35 PM
When I can afford a Shilo I plan on getting one in 50-70, I want a round barrel with about 26" of barrel, to keep the weight down.  But I want it as a hunting rifle that is easier for this old guy to carry than the Pedersoli I have now, I am a walker, not a sitter.

But Del, you gotta think this through.  Yer gonna walk into the woods and come up on a deer.  You'll draw a bead, then touch off that little cannon.  Then, when you get up off the ground, yer gonna have to walk back into the woods!

Lunarian, n.  An inhabitant of the moon, as distinguished from Lunatic, one whom the moon inhabits. (Ambrose Bierce).  Which one are you?


Quote from: J.D. Yellowhammer on November 05, 2007, 07:21:22 PM
But Del, you gotta think this through.  Yer gonna walk into the woods and come up on a deer.  You'll draw a bead, then touch off that little cannon.  Then, when you get up off the ground, yer gonna have to walk back into the woods!

No way it could be worse than that 375 Winchester I use in lousy weather, a 255 gr cast bullet at 1900 fps will really wake you up out of a 6 1/4 pound 94. ::)  Never notice it though when shooting a deer. ;)
Mongrel Historian

Always get the water for the coffee upstream from the herd.

Ab Ovo Usque ad Mala

The time has passed so quick, the years all run together now.

Ol Gabe

William/Bill Goodman out of Bozeman, MT handles Shiloh Sharps rifles and generally has a good selection on-hand. His website is: www.shiloh-ballard.com
Don't have any connection to him, but have read several good reports about him. He advertises in BPC News magazine, Steve Garbe's publication, Steve's the guy that makes SPG lube.
Best regards and good shooting!
'Ol Gabe


Hi Folks,

I presently own a Shiloh saddle rifle in 50/70, 26" heavy barrel, shotgun butt plate and have, in the past owned a Shiloh #3 , 45/70 with a standard weight 30" barrel, curved military butt plate, as well as a C Sharps 1874 in 45/100 with a 30" heavy barrel and a shotgun butt plate.  For comparison, the 45/70 with 450 grain bullets gave a lot of felt recoil with the curved butt plate and standard weight barrel.  The 45/100 also gave a lot of recoil but it didn't feel as bad with teh shotgun butt.  My 50 is a pleasure to shoot.  I normally shoot a 490 grain lead bullet with both smokeless and black powder.


James Hunt

Most would agree that recoil is relative to your tolerance for such. I have never shot a .50-90. I do own and shoot a .45-110 with heavy barrel and shotgun style butt. I also own a .50-70 with heavy 28 inch barrel and crescent butt plate. The .45-110 can be a bit stiff after 20-30 rds but is not bad. Falls far short of a 12g shotgun with 3 inch magnum loads. The .50-70 you can shoot all day, it is my favorite rifle. In fact I have an original conversion carbine, a very light gun and have no problem using the same load in it.

Get the .50-70 and you will regret nothing. Components are not hard to get, and the cartridge is as easy to load and as a .45-70. Know that once you get over 90 grains of black things can get tricky so if you get a .50-90 be prepared to tinker with the load to get it to work if it is anything like the .45-110.
"The duty is ours, the results are God's." (John Quincy Adams)

Haggis MacGurk

Thanks a lot for the advice, fellas. Like I mentioned in a previous post, I will probably end up with something in a 45-70 as well, but I still want something in .50. My problem is, every time I see something different, I tend to want that too. As a result, I now have the Highwall, but will likely end up with a trapdoor, and a Sharps. I just can't decide between them, so I'll get one of each.(if the wife lets me)
I'm sure I'm not the only one that suffers from this problem. I think it's part of the male chromosome or something. ;D

J.D. Yellowhammer

One of each!?  Hell, I want one of each manufacturer! Shiloh, C Sharps, Axtell, Lone Star......
Lunarian, n.  An inhabitant of the moon, as distinguished from Lunatic, one whom the moon inhabits. (Ambrose Bierce).  Which one are you?


Quote from: Haggis McGurk on November 07, 2007, 08:38:05 AM
Thanks a lot for the advice, fellas. Like I mentioned in a previous post, I will probably end up with something in a 45-70 as well, but I still want something in .50. My problem is, every time I see something different, I tend to want that too. As a result, I now have the Highwall, but will likely end up with a trapdoor, and a Sharps. I just can't decide between them, so I'll get one of each.(if the wife lets me)
I'm sure I'm not the only one that suffers from this problem. I think it's part of the male chromosome or something. ;D

Once again I find myself one gun short of perfection!   ;)
Ride to the sound of the guns, but watch out for bushwhackers! Godspeed to all in harm's way in the defense of Freedom! God Bless America!

Your obedient servant,
Bvt. Lt. Col. Commanding,
Southern District
Dept. of the Platte, GAF

Dusty Ed

 Howdy Haggis
I have a  50-90 Sharps Pedersoli Cimarron big bore.
It the most beautiful rifle and most acurrate long range BPCR I've ever owned.
It weighs 13lbs 3oz. 34" bbl.
I shoot 90grs.Goex 2f an RCBS 554gr. bullet with a milk carton wad and a Win.large rifle primer,Dan T's
lube recipe ,home made.
The recoil is similar to 45-90 shooting a 540gr. bullet.
On good days I have shot many 10 shot 3" Groups at 300yds.on bad days the weather my eyes or my body
I will shoot 5" or 6" groups .
I have shot 675gr. bullets they seemed to have been a little more acurrate but I wouldn't want to shoot
a 40 shot match with them.
I'M 68 years old an I can still Shoot with best of them.
So I'd say go ahead and get one of them 50 big bores.
Take Care and Merry Christmas to you and yours.
Dusty Ed ;)
Dusty Ed

Haggis MacGurk

Haven't looked at this thread in a bit, Thanks for the info, fellas.

I'm not exactly recoil sensitive. When I was growing up, my Dad had a succession of big bore locomotive-killin' guns including a Ruger #1 in .458 Win Mag, and a Weatherby Mark 5(lasermark??) in .460 weatherby. Being a soldier has also given me access to some of the more exotic toys out there, including .50 BMG sniper rifles, as well as Ma Deuce herself, although recoil from a 100lb gun is pretty negligible, even at 600 rounds per minute.

I just don't want something that's gonna try and dislocate my shoulder every time I touch it off.(.460 Weatherby+500gr bullet=ouch) After all the advice, I'm definitely leaning towards 50-70, with potential for 50-90. After reassessing my financial capabilities, it's probably gonna be one of the Italian replicas for now as well, most likely Pedersoli.

bear tooth billy

I have a Pederosoli with a Badger barrel it weighs 16 lbs 3 oz I shoot a650 grain bullet on 95 grains Swiss. I think it kicks less than my 45/90. At our NCOWS buffalo shoot we shoot 25 rounds in less than 10 minutes I would suggest a shoulder pad especially if you shoot prone like I do
Born 110 years too late

Haggis MacGurk

Went out last weekend and fired my new Rolling Block 50-90 with an RCBS 450gr bullet, 90gr Goex 2f, and I have to say, I was almost disappointed with the amount of recoil. ;D I haven't weighed the rifle yet, but it has a 35 inch Green Mountain heavy octagon barrel on an original Remington action, so it's quite heavy. I know that recoil will increase relative to bullet weight, but didn't find it much different than a 12 gauge with trap loads. It was pleasant enough that my wife fired several rounds through it.

I'm quite pleased with the rifle, time to start working up some loads.


In my case I had NO plans to ever own a .50 cal Sharps.

(Well, o.k. I had dabbled with the idea of having a '74 Carbine in .50-70)

Then, "this" happened...

We were on our way to go Pheasant hunting in N. Dakota.  The route lead right BY Big Timber, MT  :o  Of course, knowing that we'd be driving by there I just wanted to stop and take a peek at the two well known plants that were there, "just to see". ;)


When I walked in the door of C. Sharps and walked over to their display rack, there sat, amongst other '74 rifles in various calibers and configurations a "plain vanilla" Buffalo Hunter's heavy barrelled rifle in 50-2.5" Sharps!

The company owner walked up to me and said, "Take ANY one of those with you."  To which I just smiled and said, "I wish".

Thinking about this on my hunt I realized the price wasn't really any more than what they'd ask if I called up and ordered one.  There would be NO wait (last time I got something like this, the wait was 3 yr.s).  Geez, .50 cal. ...all "new" stuff.

On the way back another stop was in order..."Do you take plastic?"

15 min. later with the rifle suitably wrapped in a shipping box, another small box with Dies, some Brass, a box of cast 640g RN Bullets and a bunch of "goodies" that they threw in, and I was on my way. 8)

So, just one word of warning for any of you who might be "on the fence" on owning a really nice Sharps (or adding another),


Grogan, SASS #3584

Frontiersman: The only category where you can play with your balls and shoot your wad while tweaking the nipples on a pair of 44s. -Canada Bill

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