Who will change shooters class in 2005?

Started by J.W.Neely, December 16, 2004, 06:51:12 AM

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Standpat Steve

It is traditional that I shoot Traditional,  so I will continue with that tradition!
Standpat Steve, SASS #113, NCOWS #1468

Tricky Trina

Gotta worry about rust on guns - no way do ya wanna worry about rust on a corset - and wouldn't that be might cold shootin' right now?  I am chompin' at the bit for my fish rifle, Marshal - how many times I day do I say sumthin' about it getting here?  Change shooter class?? I gotta get a "grip" on traditional first.  That should take about a decade! :D
...and she rides into the SMOKEY sunset on her favorite, half-fast horse, Totally Clueless    Thanks Arcey, Tensleep, Wildcat Will and Querida Kate!!!

Micheal Fortune

Well I'm just going to keep plodding along in the traditional category.  Got some stuff to iron out, would like to get a new rifle, probably that new Taurus Thunderbolt that ain't out yet, or a 73'.

Once I have exhausted all the fun out of that I can maybe I'll go dullest, maybe frontier cartridge, not many of them around here.

But I got a long way to go where I'm at first.   :)
Saloon Keeper, Gambler, Shootist
Sun River Rangers Shooting Society / SASS 60159 / R.O.-1 / SBSS 1685 / G.O.F.W.G. 89 / RATS 58 / KGC 4 /

Pukin Dog

I might try Gunfighter if I didn't think I'd get DQ'd by the 2nd stage ;D

Holding a Walker and Dragoon out might wear me down :D :D
"Puking Dog" Danlbach

Soot Lord Junior Grade


Gonna give Classic Cowboy a try until the temperature starts climbing into the 80's or 90's. It gets a little too hot for all that extra leather after that. I plan on working up some BP substitute loads for my Schofields this winter for Frontier Cartridge. There is always Duelist and Traditional too. ;)

I guess it will depend on what I feel like that day. It's all good fun. ;D
"I call that bold talk for a one-eyed fat man."
SBSS #638
BOSS #44
STORM #142
RATS #89

Big Hext Finnigan


I've been shooting CC and Duelist, depending on the heat or the cartridge I choose to shoot.  I'm about disgusted with the shifting criteria of CC and the lack of teeth in the rules that I will likely drop that category, at least for a while. 

Gunfighter looks like fun and the less often I get to shoot, the more I'm looking for FUN and not competition!  So look for a bit of two-fisted fury from Finnigan. ;)


Doctor Bill

Like most folks I started out with the Traditional catagory.  I have changed to FC.  Next year I plan on trying out FC Duelist and if that goes well, I hope to enter into the most hallowed of the CAS catagories, Frontier-Cartridge-Warthog-Gunfighter.   :D  :D

Doctor Bill
Remington Revolver Shooter
League of the South
Alchemist and brewmeister extraordinaire

West Longer

Been doing the double duelist for a while. Been thinking on C.C. I still need to get a Muleear hammer first   
Happy Trails & Shoots
West Longer

SASS 46427  LASSOOS #77
Bold 339       BOSS #143
RATS #205
P.W.D.F.R. #114

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