Holster question

Started by rafterp, January 23, 2008, 06:59:28 PM

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Hi ya'll...I'm brand new to the boards, and haven't even gone to a match yet, but I've got a question (or 2). I gather that most of the shoots require 2 pistols. What is the reason for carrying one pistol in a cross-draw, versus a 2 gun rig? I would guess that a 2 gun rig is not period correct...more of a Hollywood configuration. Next question...in a match, does the shooter draw and shoot when the timer goes off, or do you pick up the guns from the loading table and shoot? Also, just wanted to say I've had a blast reading the various forums on here...lots of info to be gleaned. Thanks.

panhead pete

Howdy Rafterp!!

Welcome aboard.  I know a lot of others will respond, but heres me 2- pence worth.   A cross- draw allows a shooter to carry both guns yet shoot with a strong hand, be it left or right.  The two gun rig is a Hollywood idea.  Most cowboys could only afford one gun and and if they were very lucky, a rifle.  Some folks will draw and hand the pistol over to the strong hand before shooting.  Some prefer the cross draw which involves twisting the body so the barrel points toward the targets before drawing.  I shoot double duelist which is left hand unsupported and right hand unsupported.  If you read the SASS Shooter's handbook (available on line), it will describe the methods and classes of shooting.  At our club we sometimes begin with our pistols staged on a table.  After the targets have been engaged the gun is placed back in the holster.  Also you will start a stage with a line or phrase (usually from a John Wayne or Clint Eastwood film) which may be said before OR after the timing begins. 
Before you buy your gear though, figure out HOW you wish to shoot.  If you tend toward being period correct consider the old calibers like 45 long colt, 38 Colt and 44-40. 44-40 is especially important in a rifle as this is period correct and the bottle- necked 44-40 case prevents blow-back when shooting black powder.  Since smokeless powder did not appear until 1894,... well, there goes that period thing again! My Ruger Vaquero is the FINEST gun I own, but I shoot 51 Navy conversions and a Spencer 56-50.  I do this because history is more important to me than speed.  Go to a match and watch the fast guys and the black powder guys.  Then decide which way you think you wish to compete.  Hope this helps.

Panhead Pete     

Deadeye Don

Rafterp,   Very good questions.  In NCOWS you generally only need on revolver.   In SASS you generally need two revolvers.  How the guns are staged depends on how the stage is written.  Some start out holstered and draw (no fast draw), but most are held, the timer goes off and you start shooting.    You would never pick up guns to shoot from a "loading table" but from wherever the stage starts.  The loading table is reserved for loading only.   I would really suggest that you attend either a SASS sponsered shoot or an NCOWS sponsered shoot as that is the best way to learn the ropes.  You didnt say where you were from, but if you are in Indiana or near Indiana we would be proud to have you come to one of our NCOWS shoots.  Pm me for details if you wish.  By the way for an NCOWS shoot all you really need is a revolver and a rifle.  With those you can shoot "working cowboy".    Regards.  Deadeye.
Great Lakes Freight and Mining Company


Hey ya'll...thanks for the responses. I'm probably more interested in period correct than speed. I don't have the time to devote to practicing enough to get fast, nor do I have a good place set up for reloading. I live in northern New Mexico, so I'm hoping to get to a match and maybe meet up with some shooters that can give me some pointers about getting geared up and how to start reloading my own at some point. I went to EOT and met some nice folks in the vendors booths. I didn't watch any of the shooting because I had the wife and kids with me. My 4 year old daughter was looking at all the gunslingers and fancy dressed ladies and said to my wife, "Mom...what IS this place!" My wife says I'm trying to re-live my childhood. Thanks for the help.


Well being new myself, only been to a few matches so far, I have found from the SASS club I have shot with, that there are a lot of folks who will be willing to help out.  First time I went, I was there to help setup the stage and pickup brass and reset targets, didn't have a single gun or any piece of clothing at that point.  After the match I was talkin to the fella that had told me about this and he was letting me tryout a few of his guns, couple of others saw this and they brought their guns to let me try to help me decide on what pistols I was gonna settle on.  After getting my guns, one match both pistols went out, another gent had a spare set he lent me and ammo to go with it.  Just goes to show what kind of folks participate in this sport.

As far as the cross-draw versus the straight draw, its just a matter of preference.  I think those that go cross are trying to get a bit faster since there is no transfer from weak hand to strong hand.  I am here to have fun and use two straight holsters, maybe one day I will switch it up, but only if I get bored.

Since you are from Nothern NM, you have alot of options for clubs, and from what I have heard at least one gun store run by a CAS fella.

Either way you go, history or speed, you should have a blast, I know I do, pun intended.

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