Frontiersman Shotgun Choices

Started by Capt Clancey Mitarwan, October 30, 2007, 09:05:16 PM

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Capt Clancey Mitarwan

Greetings. I just re-read the SASS definition for Frontiersman. The shotgun choices are a double or 1887. Do you think the single barrel was intentionally left out, or just an oversight?

The crux is I want to try BP loads in a 10 gauge single I've ordered. Thanks in advance.
Service before self.


This has been discussed a couple of times.  The consensus seems to be that it was an oversight leaving out single barrels.  However, no one uses a single shot because it is not competitive.  If you are just shooting for fun, as long as your single shot does not have an ejector it is OK to use.

Driftwood Johnson


Had this discussion over on the SASS Wire a couple of months ago. Pale Wolf Brunell (who should know) assured us it was an oversight. He also declared then and there that it was OK and he would be sure to put it on the TGs agenda.
That's bad business! How long do you think I'd stay in operation if it cost me money every time I pulled a job? If he'd pay me that much to stop robbing him, I'd stop robbing him.

Ya probably inherited every penny ya got!

Capt Clancey Mitarwan

Thank you for those details. While I'm no competitor (with my Spencer and exposed hammer double), I do like to be right by the rules.
Service before self.

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