Taurus Thunderbolt keeps jamming.

Started by bounty hunter, September 18, 2007, 11:18:10 PM

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bounty hunter

This is my first thread on this forum.  I have just started Cowboy Action Shooting at the age of 56.  It is a great leveler.  I bought a new Taurus Thunderbolt in 45 colt for the rifle component of the events as I prefer pumps over levers. (possibley a big mistake) At the last shoot of five events, my rifle jammed during 3 of them.  Several problems arose.
1. One occassion 3 live rounds ejected at once possibly indicating that the magazine stop could be faulty.
2. On several occassions, the rounds became jammed nose down in the action. (I have checked the length of the loaded rounds and they feed perfectly at slower speeds)  Again I think the magazine stop maybe the culprit.

When the action is cycled at a slower speed, it performs very reliable, but as soon as I try to speed it up, things turn monkey up.  The rifle has fired 300 rounds so far, but in competition it is a dud.  I have watched a video of me shooting and I am not short stroking the action, and I have tried various factory rounds to no avail.

Can it be slicked up to be reliable, and if so what has to be done.  I am not the quickest shooter, but I like to be competitive.


Bounty hunter from down under.


Every once and a while you will see someone that says their T-Bolt is absolutely reliable and functions flawlessly.  Then you will see 99 others that have the same problems you have and have sent the gun back to Taurus and when it returned it still has problems.  The bottom line is that it will never be as reliable as a lever gun. 

Deadeye Don

Bounty Hunter,   Welcome to the group.   I know of one well known pard who wont work on Taurus Thunderbolts anymore because of the poor quality of the gun
Great Lakes Freight and Mining Company

litl rooster

Bounty Hunter, not to steer you away from CasCity,(it's a great place) The Open Range forum there was pages of stuff on the Thunderbolt.  You might find some help there. Had some issues with my wife's but had a local guy figger 'em out, Then OAL's and Primer issues I figured out.  She still uses the gun and enjoys it.  She will tell you to pump it like you mean it.
Mathew 5.9

bounty hunter

Thanks for the advice gentlemen.  I am going to try and get someone to look at it and clean it up.  A rep from the importers stated "that it is a 100 year old design, and we are aware of the problem".  I understand the view of the lever action fans, but I really can operate a pump easier than a lever due to past shoulder and elbow injuries.  This is why I would like to persist and try to get it to work.  If I can get the 10 rounds out in 10 seconds on target, I will be more than happy.

Bounty Hunter.        :D

Buffalow Red

I HAD ONE  realy liked the idea of the pump my self . if you stroked it real slow but real hard it worked most of the time not always
i called factory rep was told 5 mo. turnaround time & could not find any one to work on it so bailed out & got a lever
No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.
Thomas Jefferson
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Life NRA
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Ten Wolves Fiveshooter

Hello Buffalow Red

                                                 Smart Move

                                Enjoy that lever action  :)

                                            10w5s   ;D
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