Is it really?

Started by Forty Rod, July 25, 2007, 02:46:26 PM

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Forty Rod

Okay, we all know the economy is in the toilet.  The liberal news media tells us so, the liberal politicians tell us so, and liberal celebrities all tell us so.

Is it really?

I was born in 1942.  The Doe Jones Industrial Average was at just over 95.

In 1960 I graduated from high school and the Dow  was 626.

In 1965 when I graduated from college it was up to 868.

Two months later I got married and it was on a roll at 881.

It was down to 836 when I left the active duty the Army in '69.

Back up to 1,018 in '72 when I resigned my Army commission and joined the Marine Corps.

When I bought my first, and so far only, house in 1977 the DOW had fallen to 926.

It had dropped even further to 770 less than two years later when I left the Corps.

I joined Primerica Financial Services in early January of 1994 when the DOW was about 3,914.  Clinton had been in office a year.

It was at 10,887 when Bush took office.

After 9-11-2001 when the attacks on New York and Washington, D. C. took place, the Dow dropped to around 8,848.

Today they are right at 14,000.

My Dad was a college professor who usually had a second job, and Mom was a public school teacher.  I doubt out total family income ever exceeded $16-17,000 a year until I left home in 1965.

We had one of the first TV sets in Logan, Utah in 1952.  The only other one I knew of belonged to Coach John Ronning who brought one with him when he moved to town.

I was 16 years old before the family got a second car.  They got the first color TV the year I graduated from college.

The first apartment my wife and I had cost me $69.00 a month for a rat-trap walk-up at Baldwin Park in Aberdeen, Maryland.  I was driving a 1957 Dodge with 7 functional cylinders and earning $492.00 a month as a second lieutenant in the Army.  Within a year, I earned a promotion, had my credentials as a married man approved (long story) and congress voter us a raise.  My income went to $804.00.

I bought my first new car, a 1600 cc1968 Datsun Fairlady roadster for $1,908 out the door. It had a radio and something that was reportedly a FM/AM radio.  No other accessories nor amenities.

My first job after I was released from active duty paid $330.30 a month for teaching between 32 and 37 sixth graders in Brigham City, Utah.

Our house cost $44,650.00 with a marvelously low 8% GI loan.  It was the first house I ever lived in with air conditioning and a two car garage.  It was only the second that had two bathrooms and more than three bedrooms.

Today I know many people who own three or more cars for a family of two, have many thousands of dollars worth of tools, entertainment centers, toys of all sorts, more clothes than they can ever wear, and credit card debt into the tens of thousands of dollars...or more.

A lot of them take several vacations a year, go to supper several times a month, take in shows and other entertainments, think nothing of dropping $6.00 a cup for "coffee" at Starbucks, and drive gas guzzlers more than 500 miles a week.

I'm retired and have more disposable income now than at any time in my life.

The economy is friggin GREAT folks!!!

If you listen to most news people, politicians, and/or left-wing celebrities, you'll end up French kissing a .45.

People like me are the reason people like you have the right to bitch about people like me.

Ozark Tracker

that second sentence says it all,  just listen to them they'll save us all,  even figure out how to support 12 million illegal aliens with our tax dollars, if that don't do it, they'll raise our taxes.  they'll say they deserve it :o   for what.

they'll look for more deserving people to give them the same as if they were working never mind they wouldn't take a job if one were offered, seems like we alrealy support half the world and the other half is lined up to get their share.
We done it for Dixie,  nothing else

"I've traveled a long way and some of the roads weren't paved."

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