Colt C & B Cleaning Instructions

Started by Mick Archer, April 23, 2007, 05:48:34 PM

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Mick Archer

  Howdy Pards!

   The following is taken from the Colt cased set box label for their cap and ball revolver line:

   Directions for  Cleaning

Set the cock at half-cock, drive out the key that holds the barrel and cylinder to the lock frame, then draw off the barrel and cylinder, by bringing down the lever and forcing the rammer on the partition between the chambers.  Take out the nipples.  Wash the cylinder and barrel in warm water, dry and oil them thoroughly; oil freely the base pin on which the cylinder revolves.

    Mick Archer
Mick Archer and his evil twin brother Faux Cowchild

James Hunt

Pretty darn cool qoute. So much for the black powder cleaning industry. Somewhere, and until I find the reference it should not be repeated as fact, I recall reading that CW cavalry troopers would knock apart their pistols and dip the cylinder and barrel into a boiler of very hot water, oil them, and call it clean.
"The duty is ours, the results are God's." (John Quincy Adams)

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