remington 220 shotgun

Started by sdharley, February 19, 2007, 05:36:32 PM

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HI Cowhands
I have a new remington 220 hammer double that will only fire the left barrell ocationally and the right almost never. The haamer springs seem to be plenty strong but the pins barely dent the primers. the hammers rebound almost 3/8 of an inch fromm the pins. Does any one have any suggestions?

Ole Man Dan

Have you checked to see if the trigger is making contact on the side with the frame or with the stock.
We found this problem at a North Alabama 'Regulator' monthly shoot.  We fixed the Turkish hammer gun, after we saw it was making contact w/stock.  A couple of minutes with sandpaper, and some Tongue oil fixed the stock.  It has fired bunches of cowboy loads since w/o a problem.


Thanks. I wound up sending it back to eaa. tryed most everything without succsess. hope it doesn,t take to long to get it back

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