Any Interest? Planned personal domain:

Started by Samuel Kiteman Cody, December 21, 2006, 10:08:58 PM

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Samuel Kiteman Cody

I have decided to create a kansas map and related historic stuff domain. This will be scans of maps in my possession. I am not worried about Copyright as the maps planned for display are all 100+ years old. Before I go any further I wanted a sanity check. The web site would have these three sections

Kansas and regional Maps 1840-1900
Price of various items from different sources: Examples would include food, clothes, guns, ammo and housing. Attribution of source would be included
Recipes of cooking from 1800-1900.  Source and Attributions as well

I do not expect it to be anything but a vanity page. But just want to be sure there would be interest. I am posting this elsewhere, So do not be surprised if you see this query elsewhere.


Sam Cody
Never underestimate the power of Stupidity,
a 45-90 Winchester Express

What Are you Gawkin' at?

French Jack

Sounds as if this would make a great article for "The Shootist".    Check with  George Warnick at this e-mail address:  .... I'm sure he and the rest of us would be very grateful for this information.
French Jack


Well if ya got any old ones of Newbrassky ya ought to add them also. ;)
Mongrel Historian

Always get the water for the coffee upstream from the herd.

Ab Ovo Usque ad Mala

The time has passed so quick, the years all run together now.

Guage Rod

Del, I have an old 1890-1900 Map of South Dakota, if you are interested.  I do not have a clue as how to get it too you, it is folded and rather brittle and I do not know how it would be able to be scanned uless it was taken somewhere and professionaly done but, a lot of interesting things appear on the Map shortly after Custer Had his little party in that part of the World.  The Map is probably one of the first ones published after they became a state. 

Thanks and Merry Christmas!

Hill Beachy

I'd sure be interested.  You might also want to check with Jim at Drover's Mercantile in Ellsworth KS  and with some of the Kansas-based CAS clubs.
"But you know you can still smell the roses,
When you're running with them in your hand..."  -- Slim Dusty

River City John

I would love to have another site I could download stuff to share.

(I wish that we could get an equally knowledgable person to relieve our Editor from his multiple duties to act as webmaster and really expand our NCOWS website to include lots of shareware info, downloads, other features, etc. I think it is underused by the membership and prospective members, and could become far more vital.
A message center; want ads; bibliography listing reference books; a repository for The Originals persona storylines; post posse updates and newsletters.) 
"I was born by the river in a little tent, and just like the river I've been running ever since." - Sam Cooke
"He who will not look backward with reverence, will not look forward with hope." - Edmund Burke
". . .freedom is not everything or the only thing, perhaps we will put that discovery behind us and comprehend, before it's too late, that without freedom all else is nothing."- G. Warren Nutter
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