What was the first Pistol you ever shot?

Started by Ozark Tracker, September 20, 2006, 08:55:33 PM

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   It was either Dad's High Standard 'Military', or his Colt 1911A1 that he'd had adjustable sights put on. I believe it was the .45, and I was in my early 'teens. I hit the paper...!

                 Be Well!



govy issue colt 1911 45 acp.

i think i was 5 or 6. dad was a marine colonel [lifer].

got the slide in my eye. when my dad kept saying dont hold
it so close, i should have listened more carefully.

as he could see i wasnt getting it, he was reaching over to
correct me and i let go the round.

he said, are you ok? i said [sniff-sniff] yeah, i'm ok.

never did that again!!!   :-[

still shooting today!!!



   DeadWood, the first longgun I shot was Dads Sweet 16 Winchester 12. Same age as you. Dad put a coffee can about 10 yds. away, put a Cyl. choke in the 'Cutts', and chambered a round. While Dad held the forend "to reduce the recoil", I decided that my nose should be buried into the cheek of the stock... Before Dad could stop me, I yanked the trigger, and received a glancing punch. In the true spirit of "damage control", Dad retrieved the can to show me all of the little holes, that I DID IT, and gave me a bear-hug.
   Aren't those 'Cutts Cans' ugly?

   Be Well!


Will Blastem

I believe it was in 1968 at Hue, during the Tet offensive...a govt issue model 1911.
You Stage 'em, Will Blastem
KC's Corral at Black Creek
Masonic Cowboy Shootist
Hiram's Rangers #25
RATS #314
Vietnam  Ist Air Cav 67-68


 Age 16. My friend's mom had a lady smith .38 special. Five feet away from a tree stump big as a tractor tire, I missed it clean... ???
Pull, Lemule!

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