Maybe this has been asked before, how did you come up with your alias's

Started by Bitterwheat, August 19, 2005, 01:58:39 PM

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Free Hand

Howdy Folks,
my alias came from the following:

1) My last name is Stone,

2) Iv'e worked at a cemetery fo 23 years,
3) for better or for worse, the Earp brothers were my great granny's cousions.

I wanted to name my son that but my wife couldn't see the humor in it.

Tom B Stone
"If you can't be part of the solution, at least don't be part of the problem"
"America is too great for small ideas"
"Trust in The Lord, but keep yer powder dry"
"America bless God"
"There ain't no sucha thing as a free lunch!"

Dr. Bob

When I started in CAS a couple of year ago, I knew that I wasn't a cowpoke or lawman.  I have done living history for 20+ years, a lot of it as a Doctor.  I have dear friends that called me Dr. Bob and so it seemed like the logical choice.  Besides that, I had been building a persona since the early 1980's who went to medical school and decided that more money could be made in the Santa Fe trade than in a mid-Missouri doctors office.  The rest can be found in my CAS City Profile!
Regards, Doc
Dr. Bob Butcher,
NCOWS 2420, Senator
HR 4
GAF 405,
NRA Life,
KGC 8.
Motto: Clean mind  -  Clean body,   Take your pick


Not a pimp, not a pistol fighter,not a coca-cola soak,just an old man trying desperatly to get older.

Sgt. Manse Jolly

My handle is taken from a local hero. Sgt. Manse Jolly was a Confederate Cavalryman for the entire war. He lost his three brothers and the only one to return home. He was a totally unreconstructed Southerner and gave the Union occupations troops pure HECK for a couple of years after the war. Things did get a little hot for him, so he decided it was time to leave Anderson, South Carolina and head for Texas.

The occupation troops said he was a renegade, but smart enough to avoid any prosecuation! The locak folks hailed him as a hero as he helped feed the folks when the occupation troops and carpetbaggers made them into paupers!


When I was Honorably Discharged from active duty in the Navy in 1974, I left the Naval Station at Long Beach, CA and came to Phoenix. The first job I got was at Rawhide ( AZ's 1880s Town) as a gunfighter, doing the street gunfights where one of my favorite characters I played was named "Rio".
I did that for a total of 11 years, until I "retired" in 1987. After I quit "gunfighting", it was over 10 years until I would vist Rawhide again. I took my family to have dinner at Rawhide and to show my 2 sons where I worked and met their Mother.

My wife was talking to one of the shopkeepers that remembered me as Rio, when I heard her say "Yeah, he's Rawhide Rio." I told her when she came out of the shop, that would make a good SASS alias ( my alias at the time was Arizona Six-Guns, which I really did not care for).
So the following Monday, I called SASS HQ and had my alias changed from "Arizona Six-Guns" to "Rawhide Rio".

"I hate rude behavior in a man. I won't tolerate it"  - Capt. Woodrow Call

"Proud citizen of CasCity since 2004." 
NCOWS 2492  SASS 22927   SCORRS     USFACS #28       GAF #267 Dept. of the Platte  AZ        STORM #178

Smokey Three Toes

  My Brother-In-Law died way before his time, his nickname was Smokey, I asked his wife if I could use his name, she said he would be proud if I would, the second and third part of my name is in Honor of my Father who lost 2 of his toes in a accident. That is how I came up with it. 

Smokey Three Toes

NRA # 145012656
NCOWS # 2468  Working Cowboy
SASS # 67758 Senior Duelist

GunClick Rick

Beat what they called me in grade school which was Rubber Buttons Rick..I guess cuase i was so wirery and i could hang from the monkey bars with my arms and do a complete flip around,but i had to use a heavy thick coat so it wouldn't hurt my arms too much.A couple of twin brothers started calling me Rubber Buttons,i never knew why or where of it..
Bunch a ole scudders!

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