My new 58 Army

Started by Dutchy Rodell, November 24, 2006, 08:20:46 AM

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Dutchy Rodell

Hi all.  Just bought a Remmie and have shot it a few times.  What fun.  Plan to keep it a cap and ball.  I read the remarks from Presidio about chroming his gun.  How do you do that, is it easy for someone with no gun maintenance experience and are there any downsides?  Thanks.


Congrats on the new Remi!  Now - yer hooked fer sure!

Naw, pard - I didn't "chrome" the pistol...I removed the bluing and used chrome polish ta' shine 'em up.

Yer gonna love that '58. ;)  Got anymore particulars about it ya' wanna share?

SASS # 40582 ~ BOLD H30 ~ RO I & RO II
Texas Regulators, Tomball, TX
Texas Historical Shooting Society, Columbus, TX

Marshal Will Wingam

Congrats, pard. Remmies are fun, no matter how you shoot them. Enjoy.

"Photos," the crowd murmered in the background, "we want photos."

SCORRS     SASS     BHR     STORM #446

Bristow Kid

Congrats on the Remington its a fine pistol.  I have yet to shoot my pair but already I love them.
Prayer Posse
NCOWS #2540
Grand Army of the Frontier #437
Department of the Missouri
PWDFR #149
RATS #233
SASS #68717

Ransom Gaer

Dutchy Rodell,

You really need to go shoot them even more.  They are way too much fun.  It's funny too.  When I first got into this game I didn't want Remington revolvers.  I wasn't real keen on their looks and I like the Colt Open Tops from percussion to the conversions.  Well for whatever reason I got a pair of '58 Remington New Model Armies for CAS.  Converted them with the R&D conversion cylinders to cartridge revolvers.  They have become my main match pistols.  They fit my hands better, are more accurate for me and I love shooting them.  And I have no plans to replace them as my main match pistols.

Did you get that name from "Ride With The Devil?"  I like it.  I like the movie too.  In fact the outfit I wear for CAS is based on the outfits worn by the Missouri Guerillas.

Ransom Gaer
Pvt Ransom Geer Co D 34th Virginia Infantry Regiment
Soot Lord

Dutchy Rodell

Yes the name Dutchy Rodell came from the movie "Ride with the Devil".  I really like the movie and the name.  Picked the name even if I'm not in CAS.  Currently, I don't want to go to the expense of buying four guns.  I sure would like SASS to change the rules to let people new to the sport use one sixgun and one shot gun - which is what I feel is reasonable for someone new to the action and is also reasonable from a budget stand point.  Have shot fewer than 100 rounds cap and ball using Pyrodex pellets.  First time I have shot a pistol since a qualified in the Air Force over 30 years ago.  For the next 100 or so I will use 777.  Eventually I will even be able to hit the center of the target with some degree of accuracy. 

Ransom Gaer


There are some clubs that do allow new shooters to come with only one pistol, a rifle and a shotgun and compete with that.  They have their own category.  This is very much unofficial.  I have heard rumors off and on about SASS doing this, but until I actually see a rule change like this I'm going to take a wait and see attitude.  Can't tell you where they are however 'cause I don't know.  And I don't know if there are any clubs that do that near where you live.  I know the three clubs I shoot with don't offer that, but they are more than willing to let new shooters borrow guns and the other stuff so they can shoot.  And that is pretty universal in the game.  I've been offered equipment in the past, but decided to pass on it primarily because I have a real problem with borrowing other peoples stuff.  I am uncomfortable with doing that.  We even share stuff with pards that have been in CAS awhile and have brainfarts and leave stuff on the kitchen table the morning of the match. ;D  Last year at a match I was at one of the pards I shoot with regularly forgot his belt and holsters at home.  OOPS.  Literally we had five sets of holsters and belts available to him within 5 minutes.

Ransom Gaer
Pvt Ransom Geer Co D 34th Virginia Infantry Regiment
Soot Lord

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