Just Cowboys and fun, no clock please. .

Started by Dick Dastardly, February 10, 2007, 06:13:54 PM

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I've been ignoring the timer for several years now.  I shoot gunfighter and enjoy it a LOT, I also shoot my shotgun from the hip just for kicks.  ;D I even have been know to shoot my pistols from the hip when the targets are big and close.  For some reason the rifle targets often fall over when I hit them and I can't resist trying to hit them again as they are falling even id it means shooting them out of order.  It worth the P to me.  ;)

Gunfighter, SASS 27466, NRA Life, GOFWG, BOSS, RO 1, RO 2


Nozzlerag, when SASS was formed the sport was almost 10 years old.  When I started the majority of targets were knockdowns.  Targets were regulated so that standard .38spls would knock them down.  Timing was done via stopwatches.  The only reason the knockdown targets were done away with was that the growth of the sport had become so great that the time to reset targets became a greater factor than the time to shoot the stage.  The sheer numbers of shooters in matches demanded that less time be spent between shooters.  This was the only form of a minimum power ever attempted by the "Wild Bunch".  Although power factor has been a topic of conversation and debate for years it has never been part of a rule.  And let's put it this way, gamers were around then, they certainly ain't any new critter around the fire.

When I started shooting BP in my then new 1851 Armi San Marco sometime in 1985 in preparation for EOT in 1986, I found my RBs pushed by 27grs of 3F wouldn't knock down the targets when hit in the same spots where a .38 special would.  I was quite surprised.  Most of the other BP shooters were using .44s and had no problem.  27grs. of 3F ain't no mousefart load neither, it's just that a .375 ball doesn't have the mass to do what a 158gr. .38 bullet would do, even if that .38 was only doing 700fps.  I had to go to a conical weighing 90 grains to knock down these targets.  Once the knockdowns were eliminated I went back to my RBs.

The really fun thing about cowboy action shooting is that there is the ability to do what you want.  If running around and shooting fast are your thing, so be it.  If you have to have trophies and plaques to prove your prowess, you can practice and practice and practice some more until you have one, two, three, or so many they won't fit on your wall.  If you want to dress up like Roy, or Gene, or John, or even Dale you can do that also.  If you want to appear like T.R. or Sgt. Rourke, that's ok also.  Geronimo, or Wes Hardin, or Billy the Kid, or... anyone you want.  If you want.... if you can think it up, and it has to do with the "Old or even new West" you can play the game in that mindset.  As soon as I get another slim jim holster, I'll be back using my Navies.  However, since I don't like the Frontiersman class, I'll still be shooting in Traditional.  Or maybe we need a "BP Gunfighter" class! 

Complainin' about how someone else is playing the game is counter-productive.  Here's a news flash for you, it takes away from your enjoyment of playing.  Like DD said, it's a fantasy game.  Why dilute the enjoyment by complainin' about how others are enjoying (or not enjoying) their game.  I've chased trophies in this and other shooting genres.  I've got a wall full.  But, then, when there were maybe 1,000 SASS shooters nationwide, it was easier back then.  I think that with growing a little older, I've grown a little more mature, not too much as I'm still shooting this fantasy game, and may actually be enjoying it more now that I'm only competing against myself.  And here is where I'll differ with DD.  I still feel the need for a timer.  Not so much as to prove how fast I ain't, but rather, am I doing as well this month as I did in my last outing.  For over the long term, there's few differences in the stages and a matches overall timing.  If I finished 20th last month, and I finished in 10th this month, against the same basic players is it something I did, or is something they didn't?

Right now, I'm with DD in chasing a the holy grail of shooting.  That "CLEAN" match.  I've done it in the past and know that I can do it again.  This involves no one but me.  I really don't need a timer to attain it, but... I'm used to the thing, and when I do get that clean match, I'll change the challenge to do it faster than the previous time!  And DD, you know as well anyone, that the RO ain't there just to run the clock.  His most important duty is to ensure the shooter completes the course safely.
SASS/CMSA #93 Endowment
NRA Patron

Dick Dastardly

Thanks Griff,

Well thought out, clear and to the point.  Your experience shines thru.

I never said that I wanted the timer to go away for everybody, just those that think like I do.  So, enjoy keepin' track of your times and keep grinnin'.  I'll grin just as much havin' fun mowin' down 'em iron varments.  I have some wood, ribbons and paper that says that I have been a competitor.  Maybe someday I'll get some more for the most clean matches in a season. . . . .

Also, yes, do keep the RO.  He's thare for a lot more than following that dang little clock around.  I've been helped by the RO often enuf to never want to shoot a match without him.  The RO has special training and does a very important job.  Timing is only one small part of it.  I  want to keep the RO, and for myself, loose the clock.  Safety first and always.

I appreciate you sharin' the benefit of your experience.

Avid Ballistician in Holy Black
Riverboat Gambler and Wild Side Rambler
Gunfighter Ordinar
Purveyor of Big Lube supplies


I built a stage once with a pepper popper target with a ply hat cutout stuck on the top. I set it so that it took a bit of knocking down, needing my 38Special service pistol match loads, which were running a power factor of 122 to knock them down easily and my wadcutter 38 2.9Gns Bullseye wouldn't move them.

We don't have many gamers in the club, but they had to resort to the shotgun to knock the target down, increasing their time, boy they were pi$$ed. The rest of us knocked it down with ease. Talk about whinge and whine! One of the BP shooters shooting a Walker, not only knocked it down, but put a small ding in it :D
His flames were almost reaching the target! Mick.
All my cowboy gun's calibres start with a 4! It's gotta be big bore and whomp some!

BOLD No: 782
RATS No: 307
STORM No:267


Pukin Dog

Re: Just Cowboys and fun, no clock please. .
« Reply #38 on: February 14, 2007, 03:10:50 PM »   

Wow Dick talk about dropping a cat in the dog pound and stirring things up on the SASS page. There could be a gunfight there. I have been thinking of getting into this stuff. But it looks like the same type of meadow muffin stuff that always happens with any group and takes all the fun out of things. My only question is how long would these gamers last in a real world shoot out with Wild Bill? I think (there I go again thinking with my noodle) that everyone should have to use store bought ammo. I don't think that very many reloaded their ammo in those days. 

DD - What the heck am I going to do with you?  I can't believe you dropped this thing over onto the Wire.  Now you know I don't give much hoot about time and pretty much shoot your style (i.e. safety first, fun second, fun third, etc) but that post was pretty much to incite a riot :)

I see Mockingbird (a very fast and competitive pard) responded and he seemed fairly shocked and worried that maybe stuff he does has ruined your game.  I know that's pretty groundless but you have to admit that your choice of words was less than fair to the competitors.  I'll never win a buckle, nor care too, but we need to make a distinction between the "gamers" (cheaters, short cutters, whiners) from "competitors" (practice, skills, composure, etc).  "Run and gun" lumps them together and that just isn't fair.

Look forward to shooting with both you AND Mockingbird in the near future! :)
"Puking Dog" Danlbach

Soot Lord Junior Grade

Dick Dastardly

Ho PD,

Let's us do lunch and talk about it.  I'll send ya an emule.

Avid Ballistician in Holy Black
Riverboat Gambler and Wild Side Rambler
Gunfighter Ordinar
Purveyor of Big Lube supplies

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