Cylinder Loader

Started by sundance44`s, January 13, 2006, 11:48:39 AM

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Has anyone had any experience will the cylinder loader being sold by powder inc.  it looks like a really sturdy loading stand for about 54 bucks .. i bought a cheaper model somewhere , i won`t say where , but its junk about 20 bucks worth . i need to find a good one for my wife`s 44`s she likes 20 grain loads and i don`t like useing breakfast cereal as a filler in my pistolas , was hopeing this new loader would seat the ball on 20 grains of powder with out the use of fillers and do it with grace .  thanks fer any help on the sub .
Remington Americas Oldest GunMaker

You boys gonna pull those pistols or whistle Dixie

Smokin Gun

Yep, I got two of um work great on .44 Rems/carbine, 1873BP SAA, 1860/51 Colts ($15.49)'s the Traditions site

Mosby's Rangers
43rd Virginia Cavalry C.S.A.
SASS# 19634


thanks for the info .. i`ve got one comming from thunderridge muzzle loading co .  it looks a little stronger than yours maybe ..28 bucks  saw one somewhere else for 54 bucks that looked even stronger , looks like all three would seat the ball on 20gr of powder fillers needed ..  ;D
Remington Americas Oldest GunMaker

You boys gonna pull those pistols or whistle Dixie

R.U. Snickering

Thanks for the info on the cylinder loaders. I have started to roll my own paper cartridges and feel that a cylinder loader is the next thing I need.
Yankee by birth, Texan by choice....


I have both the revolver stand and the cylinder loader and find that I am much faster by simply holding the revolver in my left hand and performing all the steps with my right hand. I seat a ball and leave the loading lever in the down position so that the cylinder is held firmly while I charge, wad and place the ball. Lift the loading lever rotate the ball under it, ram the ball, leave the loading lever down and go to the next chamber.
Works for me!


Frank, thats a fighting word and as soon as I can get this thing loaded we'll fight.

Marshal Will Wingam

For C&B, those loaders are the hot ticket. I don't shoot C&B any more, but they sure beat front-stuffing a revolver. :)

SCORRS     SASS     BHR     STORM #446

Sod Buster

Quote from: NozzleRag on September 03, 2006, 02:57:13 PM
I have both the revolver stand and the cylinder loader and find that I am much faster by simply holding the revolver in my left hand and performing all the steps with my right hand. I seat a ball and leave the loading lever in the down position so that the cylinder is held firmly while I charge, wad and place the ball. Lift the loading lever rotate the ball under it, ram the ball, leave the loading lever down and go to the next chamber.
Works for me!

Ditto here.  I bought the revolver stand and cylinder loader but found it was easier just to keep the cylinder in the revolver and load as you indicate above.

Having said that, I just shot the NC State SASS match with a 'pard that had all of his cylinders loaded for all ten stages (20+ cylinders) prior to coming to the loading table.  When it was his turn, he grabed a couple of loaded cylinders, his guns, and caps and headed for the loading table.  All he did was insert the cylinder and put the caps on.  This didn't take much more time than loading bullets.  This allowed him to still socialize and do posse tasks.  He shot the whole match clean.
ROII, NRA RSO, NRA Benefactor, VSSA Life

Smokin Gun

Sundance is this the one you ordered? Somebody over in Voy got one says it's great.

Just found it, was from Powder Inc. probly the same one.
Mosby's Rangers
43rd Virginia Cavalry C.S.A.
SASS# 19634


Yep thats it ! it`s great ! mine gets lots of use from pards i shoot with too .. this one is so fast you wouldn`t beleive it .. and built to last .Only trouble with it is ... i shoot too much useing it ..can go through 100 balls pretty quick now .
Remington Americas Oldest GunMaker

You boys gonna pull those pistols or whistle Dixie


if there is anyone out there shooting a starr these cylinder reloaders probably will not accept a starr cylinder. i bought the cheaper one ( it works fine but is a little light for oversize balls) but had a machinist countersink a hole around the cylinder peg that matches the back of the star cylinder. works great. most other gun's cylinders are flat and will fit. the star has an extension on the back of the cylinder for the hand to rotate the cylinder and does not have a center hole for the cylinder rod; it uses a pin to fit under the barrel in the front and fits into a matching recess at the back of the frame. the cylinder pin on the above reloader backs out, the starr cylinder drops into the recess and away you go! hold it a little tight with one hand. i got extra cylinders for the starr and my rogers and spencer and had leather box made with pockets to carry the cylinders. load at home take to the range and you only need to cap and shoot. do not cap these before shooting otherwise you are carrying a potential handgrenade. and nssa will not let you approach the loading line with capped cylinders. good luck, geo.

Montana Slim

What's than thing hanging under the barrel for, decoration? ::)

I suppose the separate loader could be neat for a hideout gun, with the rammer removed.

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But why wear out the loading lever on the gun .. 3 of my remies have loading levers that have never been used and they are as tight as new .. of course if`in ya don`t shoot very often thats another story ... but if ya shoot every weekend .. sure makes loading a breeze . when ya find the right caps and nipples that really make shooting these guns smooth .. the loading stand just makes it that much better . of course if ya just shoot Colts .. these would be too much trouble .. but with Remmies it`s the ticket cylinders slip out in a sec.
Maybe while boondocking i`ll get a chance to use the loading lever on the gun`ll still be there in good as new shape when needed / another plus the wife shoots with me and she likes the loading stand too ..easyer on her hands.....
Remington Americas Oldest GunMaker

You boys gonna pull those pistols or whistle Dixie

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