I Know NOTHING About Leather!

Started by Thor, October 11, 2006, 04:29:43 AM

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And that's being generous!

Anyway.  I have a pair of 5.5" New Vaqueros and need a rig for them.  I have never owned a leather rig, just nylon and kydex.  I've looked at the offerings from Triple K on Cabela's, and have looked at some of the sponsered offerings here on CAS City. 

Here is what I DO know about leather based on my meager research:

- The holster should hold its shape with the guns drawn.
- Leather doesn't come from Prarie Dogs.

Here's what I think I want in a holster:

- Mexican 2-loop
- Doulble straight
- very simple to behold (no tooling or adornments)

Based on the above information, it's obvious I need help.  I know it's not always the most productive to ask more than ine question in a post, since folks inevitably focus in on one part, but here goes anyway:

- Who are the big makers/venders?  Who is the Colt and Ruger of the leather world?
- What basic elements besides personal preference are important in an individuals holster?
- What's a good source for holsters?

I read the article about the Ruger New Vaquero in the latest NRA Shooting Ill, and saw the sidebar on the Triple K model 715 double rig.  I went looking for that online, thinking it was just what I wanted, but I couldn't find it anywhere.  Is it still available?  It was not listed at www.triplek.com at all.

Thanks all.

Doc Neeley

Hi Thor, I suggest you look at the Kirkpatrick leather right here on the City. There are several other makers who come highly recommended, but I have no experience with them, such as Mernickle, El Paso, and Liberty (I have a rig coming from Liberty).
I have a TripleK buscadero rig I got for B-western and adorned with conchos and spots. It is servicable and works fine. I wish it was lined, but otherwise, it serves it's purpose.
I enjoy doing some elatherwork myself, but as my sainted mother used to say ' Half of being smart is knowing what you're dumb about.'
I also have a beautiful custom made rig by Wild Rose, but I can't bring myself to toss it in the the truck and abuse it like I do most of my leather.
I suggest you look at some leather at the shoots and see what would work for your guns, body shape, etc. and don't be afraid to ask questions.
There are several good leathermakers that posy regularly and should be of more help than I am.
Good luck and have fun.
All America lies at the end of the wilderness road, and our past is not a dead past, but still lives in us. Our forefathers had civilization inside themselves, the wild outside. We live in the civilization they created, but within us the wilderness still lingers. What they dreamed, we live, and what they lived, we dream. -- T.K. Whipple



I sugest that you check out the following link
I personally would not buy holsters from cabelas. I dont think they are very good holsters.

I have delt with kirkpatick leather and have had no problems with them. I know they have been around since 1950.
Evil Roy used kirkpatick leather for several years. he has won end of trail at least once with a kirkpatrick leather rig and shotgun belt.

"Who are the big makers/venders?  Who is the Colt and Ruger of the leather world"
i dont know. I just know that if i wasn't making my own stuff i would be buying from kirkpatrick leather. I really like the Graveyard rig have delt with kirkpatick leather and have had no problems with them. I know they have been around since 1950.
Evil Roy used kirkpatick leather for several years. he has won end of trail at least once with a kirkpatrick leather rig and shotgun belt

"What basic elements besides personal preference are important in an individuals holster?"
I would have to say most imortantly the fit to the gun and quality of leather and stitching. the holster needs to fit gun correctly because if its too tight then it will be hard to pull gun out and reholster gun. also dont want the holster too loose, may not retain holster during movement.
Also how does the holster hang on the belt? is it comfortable to you? is it too high/low pull out the gun or just right?

"What's a good source for holsters?"
I would say again Kirkpatrick leather.
kirkpatrick will do the holsters the way that you want them done. You just got to call em and talk to them.

If you contact a gunleather store about making gunleather to what you want and they wont do it, then i sugest that you go someplace else.
but there are alot of gunleather makers out there.

"I read the article about the Ruger New Vaquero in the latest NRA Shooting Ill, and saw the sidebar on the Triple K model 715 double rig.  I went looking for that online, thinking it was just what I wanted, but I couldn't find it anywhere.  Is it still available?  It was not listed at www.triplek.com at all."
You would have to contact triplek about that holster.



Howdy Pards and Pardettes.

Thor Pard, there are many good makers, some are better at one style than the other.  If by "The Colt" of holster makers you are talking about being "There Then" I guess it would be El Passo, they are the direct decendent of Sam Myers.  I don't know about "The Ruger", I guess Kirkpatric, they both started about the same time and both have a quality product for a fair price.

Some of the Custom Makers have an entry level rig for a reasonable price. Check out the lincs on the sass wire and go to their leather list and go to all their websites and check them out.  That way you will also be able to price what a good rig will run you.  In the Show us yer Stuff post there are mentions of many makers check all of them out as there are some small makers that do excelent work for a reasonable price.

That is all I think I know.
Regards, Beaumont
SASS Life#21319
NRA Life, Endowment

St. George


Wild Rose Trading Company - www.wrtcleather.com

El Paso Saddlery - www.epsaddlery.com

Will Ghormley - Maker - willghormley-maker.com

These makers produce excellent gun rigs, and Tandy Leather also sells Ghormley's patterns for Old West leather - should you wish to make your own.

Of course, there are more - and a copy of 'Shoot!' magazine or 'Guns of the Old West' magazine will give you some websites.

Buy the very best that you can afford - good leather pays for itself.


Scouts Out!

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