Does the gummint want your shooters?

Started by Oregon Bill, January 23, 2006, 10:08:27 AM

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Oregon Bill

Howdy to all you folks havin' summer down there while it is winter here. How have recent gun laws affected your ability to participate in CAS Down Under? Just wonderin' and worryin'.

Dakota Dan from OZ

Oregon Bill.

We were lucky,. We lost any handgun with a barrel length under 4",I lost my 38 derringer and because we shoot SA and can compete internationaly we were lucky enough to keep any handgun over 38 special on a special permit

My Pa once said "Son never take a knife to Gun Fight"  He told the truth.
SASS# 28875
SASS State Governor
SASA  Aust #2715
SASA State Discipline Chairman
RATS 239
GSC 001

Texas Tall

Hi there Oreon Bill, As Dakota said we were lucky to keep some of our handguns.
The Govt. had a "Buy Back" and now no one is allowed pistols over .38cal and only on a Commisioners permit for CAS shooting can you have up to .45cal and you must show proof of actual shoots each year to retain them.

All IPSC/ NRA shooters had to go back to .38 super or 9mm etc and max 10 shot mags.

We also have to show proof of actual comp shoots for each type of pistol you own, ie.,.22 rimfire/centerfire/BP cap and ball etc or they can cancell your licence.

We are still better off than some countries though.

See Ya................Texas Tall. ;) ;)
If you've gotta cheat ta win, you've only beaten y'self.
SASS# 47630
GSC 002

Oregon Bill

Sorry to hear it, mates. They even restrict cap and ball revolvers, eh?

Texas Tall

We sorta learn to live with it Oregon Bill but but it does get ya down at times and that caused a lot of guys to give up.

WE can't own pump or auto shotguns so no '97 shotties in CAS here and a lot of us would love one.

See Ya.......................Texas Tall. ;) ;)

If you've gotta cheat ta win, you've only beaten y'self.
SASS# 47630
GSC 002

Judge Lead

Oregon, EVERY firearm you purchase here HAS to be registered. C&B have less restictions than cartridge  based, but there are still restrictions.

In order to purchase ANY firearm, you must 1st be licenced for that category (eg Rimfire, centrefire etc in longarms and a seperate category for shortarms). There must also be a safe storage inspection done prior as well.

You need to apply for a Permit to Aquire (costs AUS$30.00 per, 1 firearm per permit), that will then be issued when the Firearms Regisrty is satisfied that you have adequate safe storage. Ths process is supposed to take 28 days. They are currently processing mid November applications ???.  When it is issued, you have 3 months to purchase (it can be extended another 3 months). The firearm is purchased and the paper worked filled in and forwared to the Registry( ALL must go through licenced dealers or representatives).

The outline above is representative of New South Wales only. Other states have a slightly different approach, but it is basically similar.

This has caused a number of owners to get out of the sport, but has made others even more determined to retain as much of our 'priveliges' as possible. So far, the 4 Aussies posting here at the current time are among that stalwart group. To the point that my dear wife has taken to this sport with the same ferver that I displayed when I started. She gets upset when she is unable to attend a shoot for whatever reason.

I hope that has answered some of the questions that may be lurking around about our issues.

Dakota may be able to add a little more as he is one of the representatives that are allowed to witness transfers.

When we were younger, the days seemed to drag. As we get older, we wish they would.

Oregon Bill

Keep up the good fight, fellas. And if you start gettin' worn out fightin', you'd be welcome to come find a place to live here in Oregon USA. We've always got room for Aussies. Here I can order cap and ball pistols through the mail, take a simple class and get a concealed carry permit, and complete a handgun, rifle or shotgun purchase with an instant background check. Takes about five minutes.
It's cold here in the winter, but warm enough in summer.

Texas Tall

Hey there Bill, Thanks for the invite and I know a bit about Oregon as I have a Daughter inlaw
who was from Portland  now living in Sydney Aust, looks a nice state.

Regards...............Texas Tall. ;) ;)
If you've gotta cheat ta win, you've only beaten y'self.
SASS# 47630
GSC 002

Wallaby Jack

Hey !  I know about Oregon too !  I used a chainsaw a time or two.........'s right there on tha bar....."OREGON"   ....... I think.

C'n'B revolvers are much less restricted..... no minimum barrel length, no calibre restriction (up to 45), but still has magazine capacity of 10 (think le Mat)   {I have a N.A.A. minirevolver in .22 C'n'B with 1.5" barrel, everyone says it's illegal until they are told of the law, most still think I'm wrong}

I have just placed an order for a Chinese '87 "the same as the guns going to America" for about Aus$900
(they forgot about these "repeating shotguns" when they took our pumpers)

We can have pump rifles, but not pump shotguns...........................  ???

You don't gotta be insane to do this,
but it sure helps.

Miss Ruby

So far so good here in NZ.

We have to have an "A" class firearms license to be able to own firearms.  This covers your 'normal' rifles and shotguns (we're allowed pumps).  No special permits etc required to buy them as long as you show your license.  We can own as many as we like, don't have to register them or anything like that.

To own pistols, we need a "B" class firearms license.  Costs a little more.  Need 'permits' to buy them but no hassles and permits are free.  These are tracked and the police know how many we own, what they are and their serial number.  Any calibre we like.

We have to renew our licenses every ten years and at that time our security is checked and two referees interviewed to check up on us.

Different class licenses again for collectors and military style weapons but at this stage (fingers crossed hope it stays this way) things are still pretty good here.  Long may it continue!
Miss Ruby Redsmoke
SASS L 48421
Golden Downs Rangers, Nelson, NZ

Tuscon the Terrible

Point of order!!!

You are not 'LUCKY' when the government confiscates guns because of barrel length or calibre!!
You gotta band together and fight it!
Good luck.


Wallaby Jack

Good point Mr.Terrible ........

.... mayhaps we are a little less UNlucky.......  :(
You don't gotta be insane to do this,
but it sure helps.

Mad Mucus

Things are a tad more relaxed up here in Queensland......

HANDGUNS >> Pistol Club members only >>
*BP muzzle stuffers or C&B ... any cal up to .45  & any barrel length
*Revolvers and semi-autos up to .38cal, 10 mag cap, 100mm+ barrel length
*Licence endorcement required for up to .45cal..... CAS and Metallic Silhouette competition only
*own one handgun..... require 6 comp shoots per year
*own more..... 4 comp shoots per cal per year..... to retain licence and ownership

LONG GUNS >> current SSAA membership or written permission from 40acre+ property owner >>
*750mm OAL minimum
no comp shoots required to retain licence or ownership..... SSAA members require verbal permission only from propery owners to shoot on private land

Permit to Acquire..... $19.90 per firearm with 28day minimum wait >> plus gunshop brokerage fee for transfer
:D ;D   
No waiting list..... in fact, you can fax permit directly to Permit to Acquire Section of the Qld Weapons Registry and have it back within a week. 


"Outlaw firearms and only the outlaws will have them."

Mad Mucus

Quote from: Wallaby Jack on February 24, 2006, 08:52:14 PM

I have just placed an order for a Chinese '87 "the same as the guns going to America" for about Aus$900
(they forgot about these "repeating shotguns" when they took our pumpers)


Hey Wbj.

Cleavers at Margate QLD..... $750 recent
SSAA Qld Gun Supplies West Ipswich..... under $800 & in stock

I'm waiting in hope of getting my hot lil' hands on one of the "improved AUSSIE MADE" ADI/Lithgow 2007 model '87s in long barrel next year.


"Outlaw firearms and only the outlaws will have them."

Wallaby Jack

......hold thy breath....................................NOT !!!
You don't gotta be insane to do this,
but it sure helps.

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