Remington Replacement Grips

Started by Doctor Bill, May 23, 2006, 08:14:23 PM

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Doctor Bill

Well, I just got through trying to shoot a local club match in a good, steady, all-day rain.  On the second stage I nearly lost one of my pistols.  I shoot 1875 Remmies in 0.45 colt loaded with a 250-grain bullet on a case full of ffg powder - definitely a warthog load even in dry weather.  I currently have the factory installed, smooth wood grips.  Does anyone have a source for replacement grips for this pistol that would: a) be SASS appropriate and b) give me some more grip.

Thanks very much for any information.

Doctor Bill
Remington Revolver Shooter
League of the South
Alchemist and brewmeister extraordinaire

Capt. Montgomery Little

Check out the grips offered at  I have a number of them and think they are great.  Sculpted designs are all period correct and quite detailed. Prices are sure on the money (no pun intended) also.

Forty Rod

Somebody (Dixie Gun Works?) used to carry copies of the gutta percha Remington grips.  Ne'er been a fan of black grips, but those looked right slick.
People like me are the reason people like you have the right to bitch about people like me.

Jubal Starbuck

    Doctor Bill,
  I have two '75 Remingtons in .44 WCF and I put a set of antique ivory checkered star grips from River Junction Trade Co. on one and a set of Vintage black hard plastic checkered grips on the other.  The checkered star grips fit almost perfectly.  They run about $65, if memory serves, and the Vintage grips were around $28 and are a little undersized.  I like 'em both, and they're easy to hang on to.  When I got the checkered star grips, I stopped in at RJT with my revolver frame and tried the on the gun before buying.


Jubal Starbuck

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