First time with GOEX Black Dawge cartridges

Started by Baron von Haltomstadt, April 10, 2006, 01:34:02 AM

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Baron von Haltomstadt

Last Sunday, the Arlington Sportsman's Club had its monthly blackpowder shoot. On the schedule were 4 pistol stages. Never having shot a black powder pistol event, I decided to try my luck (and just have a plain ol' good time). I made a quick run to Cabela's and picked up a box of Black Dawge cartridges on .45 Colt to use in my Ruger stainless Vaquero, 4.75", birdshead grip, fixed sight. Arriving a couple hours early, I went to the 25 yd range and fired for accuracy by resting the barrel on a carpet covered wood block. Amazingly, I fired 3 rounds into a 1-1/2" circle at dead on point of aim. I went on to shoot the program and was very pleased with the performance of this product.

As an aside, I recently spoke with Richard at Ten-X. Ten-X makes cartridges billed as BPC, which are loaded with Triple 7. Richard explained that this black powder substitute cleans with plain water, nothing else needed. I am going to try these next.
AKA: Baron von Haltomstadt
(Formerly: Marshal Dusty Drywash)
North Central Texas Territories

Mustang Gregg

How much does Cabelas charge for a box of them .45 beauties?
"I have two guns.  {CLICK--CLICK}  One for each of ya."
"Mustang Gregg" Clement-----NRA LIFER, since '72-----SASS Life & Territorial Governor-----GAF #64-----RATS #0 & Forum Moderator-----BP Warthog------Distinguished Pistol 2004------SAIROC & MMTC Instructor-----Owner of Wild West Arms, Inc. [gun shop] Table Rock, NE------CASTIN' & BLASTIN'!!!!

Baron von Haltomstadt

Good job, Frank! It is far easier to browse than to type it all out here. I originally wrote this just because I was so impressed with the accuracy of my Ruger with black powder. I shot better with the Black Dawge than I did with Ultramax smokeless when I went through our annual qualification course last Fall. I am fortunate (or unfortunate as may be seen by some) that I go by a Cabela's twice a day or more. They have most everything and their prices are normally MSRP, with some decent sales. When I went to get the Black Dawge cartridges, I knew little about them or the Ten-X products.

I just ordered 5 boxes of .44 Colt BPC for my Richards-Mason conversions direct from Ten-X (Cabela's doesn't stock these) and will likely buy Ten-X .45 Colt BPC when I run out of Black Dawge (depending on how I like the .44 Colt BPC Ten-X in actual use). Now that I thought about it, Cabela's has the Ten-X .45 Colt BPC in stock. I just may buy a box and try it out this Sunday. I will let you know how I like it in my Vaqueros.
AKA: Baron von Haltomstadt
(Formerly: Marshal Dusty Drywash)
North Central Texas Territories

Sacramento Johnson

Howdy Pards!
I've been using goex Black dawg BP rounds in 44-40 and 38-40 in my Rugers for a few years without any problem and excellent accuracy; even better than smokeless in some of them.
As for needing smithing to make them run on BP; it's a hit or miss proposition; sometimes you need to and sometimes you don't.
Most of mine did fine without needing further tweeking by my smith; I have 5 that I do BP with; one needed a larger cylinder gap.  The key to BP use is prepping the gun first.  Clean it thoroughly with smokeless cleaners; get all the lead out of the barrel and the stuff off the cylinder face.  Then clean it with ballistol (straight) to season it so to speak, and put some bore butter on the cylinder pin.  Let it sit over night; wipe off the excess, then take it out and shoot a box of goex black dawg BP rounds!    If it'll go 50 rounds without a hitch and decent accurracy, it's good to go!

Baron von Haltomstadt


Sacramento Johnson has more experience than I with this. I had never shot BP in my Ruger before this month. By sheer luck, the method SJ describes for cleaning and prepping is almost EXACTLY how I clean and store my stainless guns using smokeless powder (I use Tetra Gun grease on my cylinder pin - just because Wal-Mart ran a clearance special on the stuff - large 1 oz / $4.50 tubes marked down to $0.50 - and I bought all they had). This worked out well for my using BP.

All my Rugers are stainless and have had the actions tuned only to the extent to insure smooth operation, proper hammer / trigger relationship, and proper timing. Nothing has been done to create extra tolerance/cleance for use with BP. I only ran 23 rounds through mine, but it showed no evidence of seizing.  When I got home, I took off my grips, removed the cylinder, and submerged the entire gun in hot soap and water in a small plastic wash tub, scrubbing with bore and cylinder brushes every so often. After the water cooled, I blew the water out with compressed air and soaked in WD40. I then blew that out and soaked with Ballistol. The next day, I brushed and wiped all remaining BP residue and recoated with Ballistol and wiped almost dry. I again lubed the cylinder pin with Tetra Gun grease.

I am going to use my two 4.75" Rugers in our monthly CAS shoot on Sunday (and, after giving this some more thought, probably use Ultramax smokeless as I have a lot of it on hand and I would have to make a special trip and buy BP or BPC if I wanted to use either of them for this outing. I'll pick up more BP or some BPC rounds on one of my next 'regular' trips). Before, I head out, I will wipe them dry as possible (except for the cylinder pin). If I have any concern, its whether I am getting all the water from out of the lockwork. I have never disassembled more than the grips and removing the cyclinder. I leave the rest to a gunsmith.

PS. You may have noticed that it takes me 'many' modifications to complete a post. Our home computer shuts off every few minutes unless some actual Internet activity is detected, so I have to submit often or risk losing everything. I am too slow a typist to get it all done at once. Thanks for putting up with me. Also, thank you all for joining in on this topic. I am reluctant to ever post as I don't have much to offer. I am a much better lurker.
AKA: Baron von Haltomstadt
(Formerly: Marshal Dusty Drywash)
North Central Texas Territories

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