Single/Double Shoulders vs Full Sides

Started by WolfWalker, March 10, 2006, 11:00:19 AM

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Hello the Shop,
I'm new to both CAS and leatherworking(If you consider 15+ years wanting to get into Cowboy shooting, and about 3 years trying to get my tools and info together for the leather work).  Thanks to my tax return, I'm closer than I ever been(My money went out in this order:SASS membership, Subscription to LeatherCrafters journal, order for both Jim Simmon's books, and $50 dollars down on a 5 1/2" barrel, blued/casehardened Taurus Gaucho in .45 LC. Only problems are haven't got my SASS packet yet, found out I got my second choice of alias, and the gun isn't paid off yet :( :( :().

Anyhow, now to my question.  I'm going to be trying to make the leather gear for both me and my brother(Troublesome River).  Do to some dealin' and some blind luck, I have most of my tools and the info I need, except the leather.  The main thing is, I can't afford the 120-150 bucks for a full side, plus I don't want to screw up a high grade hide.  What I am wondering is would I be able to get enough out of a single or double shoulder to make at least 2 slim-jim holsters for a brace of '51 Colt Navies
plus two Mexican Loop holsters for the 5 1/2 Gaucho and a "old model" Ruger Vaquero with a 7 1/2 barrel?  I understand from the Simmon's books if done right you can get 8 holsters, 2 belts, and some smaller accessories, plus probably cheaper in the long run(for a full side), I just don't have that kind of funds available.  Woud the single/double shoulders work, or are there other alternatives?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same of them--John Wayne, The Shootist.

Member of the Bretheren of The Lost Arts: Our Motto: Take yer time, and do it yer ownself, Ye'll have a more harmonious outcome.

Marshal Will Wingam

Hides vary in size. You may want to find out how much leather you will need by laying them out on butcher paper and seeing if a shoulder will do. On the leather, you will sometimes find that you need to rotate the pattern some to get the best possible leather with what you have so it may take more than you think. It may be best to head down to the leather store with a handful of your patterns and start laying them out on a piece until you find the one that suits you best. I always get the sides because there are other items I need to make and the leather never goes to waste. Don't forget your belts, too.

SCORRS     SASS     BHR     STORM #446

Doc Neeley

Wolf2hawks, I've bought the single shoulders from Siegel's. They run $15 each and the ones I've recieved are quite large, easily enough for holster projects.

I also bought, on sale, a side of their TR4 skirting. Great leather but very heavy, but for $60 for 20+ sq. ft. I'll skiv some off. Just suggestions anf the pros will have some very good suggestions too.
All America lies at the end of the wilderness road, and our past is not a dead past, but still lives in us. Our forefathers had civilization inside themselves, the wild outside. We live in the civilization they created, but within us the wilderness still lingers. What they dreamed, we live, and what they lived, we dream. -- T.K. Whipple


If you have a local leather supplier, take your patterns in and talk to them about how much it will cost for leather to make your projects.  I had assumed it would be cheaper figuring out how much I needed and buying it on my own.  I was very plesantly supprised when I talked with the own of the leather shop that what he suggested was less expensive and worked out great. 

Gunfighter, SASS 27466, NRA Life, GOFWG, BOSS, RO 1, RO 2


Good question and great answers. I was leather shopping just the other day. I planned on buying three or four double shoulders, but after looking at what they had, I wound up with Culatta's. The leather was much better, less waste, especially on the underside. Normally I buy a half or whole hide, but as of late there has been a real poor selection.
When you lay out your projects, don't forget to look at the underside an see what quality you have there as well as on the finish side.
Ask about specials too, leather shops do run some deals every once in a while. If you are planning on dyeing a dark color they may have a hide with sun or light discoloration that they will give you a good price on. 


Thanks for the response, amigos.

My only problem is, Here in IL, the nearest leather places from where I live are either the two Tandy stores up north(I live in about the East central part of the state), Missouri or Indiana. With gas prices, to far for me to go so my main option is mail-order.  I guess I may just have to play hit or miss, and if I don't get enough the first time, gives me the reason to order more(I'm sure I can find the use for any extra).  I'm not so worried about the 2 slim-jims, it's really just the mexican loop holster for the Vaquero(Figure a gun about 13-15 inches long, double that for the pouch plus another 13-15 for the loop by my estimation.).

I'm just really wanting to get started, since I lucked into a good deal on my leather tools(about $1000 dollars worth for $250, plus at least another $300 I bought on my own, plus books and everything else, and I haven't even cut into leather yet).  Just needing the leather.

Thanks again for the help. Hope to have some results soon.
I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same of them--John Wayne, The Shootist.

Member of the Bretheren of The Lost Arts: Our Motto: Take yer time, and do it yer ownself, Ye'll have a more harmonious outcome.

Slowhand Bob

I really like good double shoulders and will frequently get the Tandy 'LIVE OAK' brand when I can hand pick them.  No mail order on these as the sorting is not well done on bundles.  The Atlanta store normally gets these bundled with five.  Out of this bundle will be two top hides that compare well with 'Hermann Oak', two that should be down graded to their 'OAK LEAF' mid grade and one will frequently look more like the cheep 'CRAFTSMAN OAK' grade they sell.  I do wish I could get the Hermann Oak in smaller lots of double shoulders and or double bends or get Tandy to tighten up their quality control on the 'LIVE OAK' brand.

Banjer Dave

I always prefer to look at the hides before I buy them.     You can make those assessments that way.      You can always call or email the mail order house as well.     They can give you good measurements over the phone or email that can get you the answers you need.       Make your patterns out of paper and lay them out on the floor jig-saw puzzle like and take a rough measurement.     That would give you an idea of how much you would need if you only want to buy one hide big enough to get "X" number of holsters out of it.    The only fly in the ointment will be if the hide they mail you has any blemishes in it that would keep you from "laying out your pattern" in that particular spot. ( it's happened to me )   Then you will not get all the use you are shooting for.       But thats the way it goes with mail order sometime.


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