Basic Black...

Started by tarheel mac, February 23, 2006, 04:06:46 PM

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tarheel mac

Shooting smokeless right now, but I was a reenactor for thirty years before coming over to CAS.  But I miss black powder.  I've cleaned a ton of caplocks and probably two tons of flinters, but these cartridge guns and shotguns sort of throw me.  Now I shoot .45 Colt so I know there is a "seal" problem, at least with rifles, so how much total disaimbly is needed for a '92?  and for that matter, with an EMF Colt Clone? Or a '97?  I really do want to get back to shooting the Holy Black again...


Ain't nothin' to the Colt clones.  Spray 'em down 'n out with Ballistol then patch 'em out 'n wipe 'em off.

I'm sure someone else will speak to the rifles you asked about.  I shoot Marlins.  Ain't nothin' to cleaning them.

Honorary Life Member of the Pungo Posse. Badge #1. An honor bestowed by the posse. Couldn't be more proud or humbled.

All I did was name it 'n get it started. The posse made it great. A debt I can never repay. Thank you, mi amigos.


Don't know nuthin' bout no 92,  but I wouldn't use a 97 with Black unless I just didn't have anything else.  Any double barrel shotgun will clean up easier with black powder(at least the real thing, I don't care much for them 21st century subs) than smokeless.
" I might not be very fast, but I'm kind of sneaky."

Dick Dastardly

Howdy tarheel mac,

I shoot Browning 92s.  Two 44 Magnums and one 357 Magnum.  Only Genuine Powder in any of my loads and all Warthog at that.  A simple spritz of Moosemilk (1 part Ballistol and 7 parts water) and a pull of the boresnake and my guns are clean.

The seal problem is minimized by shooting full house loads.  Problems seem to arise when the powder is reduced and fillers added to reduce recoil.

Only you know the level of recoil you are comfortable with, but if you shoot compressed loads of Holy Black, you shouldn't have a lot of blowback problems.  My 44 Magnums don't give me any blowback problems and that brass ain't any softer or thinner than 45 Colt.

Also, having enough lube helps.  I have a web site that may help if you are looking for bullets specifically designed for lots of SASS style shootn' without foul out or function problems.

Enjoy the smoke!

Avid Ballistician in Holy Black
Riverboat Gambler and Wild Side Rambler
Gunfighter Ordinar
Purveyor of Big Lube supplies


tarheel mac,

Suggest you read the article in The Shootist( can be downloaded in PDF format from, in the Pedler's Pack section, by George Warnick about the authentic  45 Colt BP ammo he used recently. That ammo is sold by Republic Metallic Cartridge Co. ( and is the "real deal" when it comes to authentic BP ammo. Better BP ammo you will not find. Should you not wish to buy loaded ammo, I can provide essentially the same loading data used by them.

For someone that has long been in reinacting, these authentic 45 Colt BP loads, either factory or handloaded, might be just what you are looking for.


Virgil Ray Hality

I have seen Pards use 97s, but very rarely because they are harder to clean.  I use a SxS shotgun.  I have a 1887 on order.  I can't speak for a 92 because I dont use one, but I imagine if you could trade it for a 92 in 44-40 or 38-40 your worries would be mostly gone.  Teardown would be annual or even bi-annual.  As for 45 Colt, use of a heavy bullet and full loads will work.  The blow back problem is mostly associated with light loads and there is no known reliable cure.  Ya just clean.   As for Colt Clones, you pull the cylinder out and clean the barrel, cylinder, base pin and/or base pin bushing.  No need to strip the frame down.  Clean as you usually do and try to keep the cleaning agent out of the innards.  Flush the innards with your favorite oil and your good to go.  I prefer Ballistol for this.  About once a year I strip down the innnards and re-grease just because I keep getting curious as to whats inside.  Never found nuthin to speak of other than greasy gooy slippers Ballistol and nice clean guun metal.

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