Tombstone/OK corral thinking..

Started by Big Hext Finnigan, August 10, 2004, 10:51:34 PM

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Col. Riddles

RR is correct. There is not really a monument there Bucky. Just a small but nice headstone.
God answers knee mail † ><>
SASS 7462 Life

Beauregard Hooligan

Howdy Colonel,

     I must have had a bit of brain fade there, as I was sure he died in New Mexico. But, I cracked the books, an Gol Darned if you aren't right. Please excuse my mistake, and thank you for providing the correct nformation.

                    Beauregard Hooligan
                    AKA: Bill Hilburn Jr.
                    NRA Life, SASS #5674 Life, NMLRA Life,
                    WASA #56, River City Regulators,
                    Murietta Posse, Mother Lode Shootist
                    Society, Moderator/Deputy CAS-L

People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.
         George Orwell
My Cas City Profile:
SASS Life * NMLRA * NRA Life * Deputy of CAS-L * River City Regulators * Mother Lode Shootist Society * Murietta Posse, WASA #56.
Stockton, Ca.

Col. Riddles

Thas ok Beau. You was close there pard. Willcox is only bout 50 miles from the N.M. line. ;) 8)
God answers knee mail † ><>
SASS 7462 Life

Brazos Bucky Smith

Thanks for the clarification pards! :D  That's why I like this site, so much information freely given out.  Some nice fall afternoon still may wish to stop by and pay my respects.

Brazos Bucky
"A man oughta do what he thinks is right."
BOLD #566, NRA Life (Endowment)
SASS #59058, SBSS #1605, SCORRS

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