Cimarron Arizona Ranger cylinder issues

Started by Dutchman54, March 04, 2025, 06:17:55 PM

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I am a gunsmith and avid SAA shooter and have been for over 50 years.
I just purchased a Cimarron Arizona Ranger made by Uberti in 357.I always check every firearm that I get before I transfer it to a customer. Upon gauging this firearm I found that all of the cylinder throats measured .365 which is way over what they should be I like them to be about .358-.359 at the most. Also the barrel to cylinder gap measured .014 which again is way to excessive. My question is to any of you guys out there that have a Arizona Ranger what are your dimensions for your cylinder throat and also your cylinder gap. Thanks


Well, you should call Cimarron and have them exchange it.  That gun is just a Model P with the different sights and grips, and springs. I have .45 Model P's but not .357 so can't measure throats.  But any Model P with a .014 cylinder gap would be returned if I got it.
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That is exactly what I did. I purchased the firearm from Davidsons but I called Cimarron and told them what was going on and they agreed that those specs were way out of line. I have sold and worked on numerous Model Ps over the years and I never had one that was this out of spec. I just hope the one I am getting is ok. I can't believe that this ever made it out of quality control. I post when I get the replacement which should be this Friday.


Glad your gun was from Davidson's. The store I work at always use them first.
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