1860 Army Type II 38spl or Cimarron Long Cylinder

Started by Pappy Hayes, Yesterday at 02:56:41 PM

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Pappy Hayes

I am thinking about purchasing another 1860 Army. I bought a 1971 Navy Colt to maybe have a conversion done on it but don't have that kind of money. If I had the money to spend on the 1861 conversion, I would rather spend it for a Richard's Type 1 conversion. Don't have that kind of money now since I am retired. So thinking about the Richard's in 38spl and change out the grips to Navy. I like the Long cylinder except it is 45colt. So what are your opinions?

45 Dragoon

Colt 2nd Gens have "very" slow twist for a conversion  (1:60). Pietta open-top platforms have 1:32 .  .  .   that leaves Uberti's with a 1:18" twist which works really well with conicals (Remingtons too).
 Pietta  '58 Remingtons are 1:18" though.

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