U.S. Military Black Powder Metallic Cartridge Breech Loading Rifles

Started by Cowtown Scout, December 20, 2024, 01:45:32 PM

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Cowtown Scout

I posted this thread over on the M14 forum last month and wanted to share it over here also. There are too many photos to try and recreate it so here is a link to that thread. https://www.m14forum.com/threads/u-s-military-black-powder-metallic-cartridge-breech-loading-rifles.546515/

I did a display and presentation for the American Society of Arms Collectors at our fall meeting in September this year. The linked thread has photos of the display that included 34 rifles as well as accroutements, and period photos. The first post also has an attached .pdf file of my power point presentation about the various arms trials, make sure you read it also.

GAF #510, STORM #98, GOFWG #126, SSS #211, SBSS #1713, CVV
Life Member: SASS, LSA, ORA, Whittington Center, LSFSC, Founders Club (Gold)
Benefactor Member: NRA and TSRA, Past President TSRA



The Deacon AZSA
BOLD 1088
RATS 739
Driver for Howard, Fine & Howard
Veterinary & Taxidermy Clinic
"Either way, you get your dog back"


 :) WOWZERS fer Sure ;)

It must have cost you a bundle to hire those guys to watch over yer display for the whole time!!  Hard to find reliable help these days.  Bet ya had to promise Pizza-n-Beer to get 'em to stand watch .

Major 2

when planets align...do the deal !

Snake Oil

A day shooting is good for what ails ya!

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