Grass-fed cowhide???

Started by Oregon Bill, October 02, 2023, 01:34:59 PM

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Oregon Bill

Happened to have an ad for a belt blank pop up from Amazon: European Leather Works was making a big deal out of their "grass-fed leather." Surely this can't be an actual thing!

Marshal Will Wingam

I haven't heard of it. It isn't beyond the realm of possibility since grass-fed beef is something one can by, though. I don't, however, intend to eat any leather myself so I suspect for most uses it probably isn't any different than feed-lot fed or other leathers.

SCORRS     SASS     BHR     STORM #446


I remember reading the original differences in European leather and American leather is their cattle were essentially pampered.   Limited range for grasing meant they had limited bug bites, scratches, etc.   Also being pampered meant the weight/thickness of european leather was thinner.   American leather had bug bite marks, scratches and even brands also due to life more ranging about the skin was thicker.   Sounds like someone trying to add a new level of mystique. 


I've always bought my leather from Italy. They claim that barbed wire is illegal there and therefore the hides are more useable and have less defects.

I do not know if that is true or not but the leather has been great.

Oregon Bill

Marshal Will: I do not intend to eat their grass-fed leather either, much preferring my eating leather to be grain-finished and nicely marbled.  :D :D :D

Hair Trigger Jim

Isn't shoe leather the most commonly eaten leather?  And who ever heard of grass-fed shoes or boots?  They get enough grass as it is.
Hair Trigger Jim

Marshal Will Wingam

Quote from: Oregon Bill on October 02, 2023, 04:55:52 PM
Marshal Will: I do not intend to eat their grass-fed leather either, much preferring my eating leather to be grain-finished and nicely marbled.  :D :D :D

SCORRS     SASS     BHR     STORM #446



Interesting detail on the grass-fed beef and all.  This got me thinking, I've never seen a hide from Tandy or Springfield leather with a brand on it.  The only guy I know that's still in the business has his ear tagged with big numbers you can see quite a ways off.

In theory the Waygu beef and Kobe beef are pampered, but Wikipedia doesn't mention it.  Drinking Sake all day and getting rub downs twice a day sounds nice.  Going to the slaughter house as a reward, not so much.

I do know from personal experience that plain old Herefords in a 15 x 30 yard confinement have an odor that tops that of a bunch of piglets in the same space.  It seemed to me that the stench got in the thicker fur on the cattle and fermented. 

Given a choice in the matter, being a retired race horse looked a lot better.  Rolled oats with Sorghum, a swimming pool, rub downs AND you get put out to stud...

Happy Saturday Y'all
BOSS #230

Brevet Lieutenant Colonel
Division of Oklahoma


:) Oh really  ;)

I'm in no way a Leather Crafter.  Nor Saddle maker.  Don't make boot laces either.  So I may well not be in great position, but it seems to me a great salesman in our sordid past said it best.   ??? 

"There Is a Sucker Born Every Minute."  Bridges anyone??  I've got some really nice Bridges available.  Last really good one came from London.   :o  Lemmie check my inventory!!  8)

Graveyard Jack

Quote from: Coffinmaker on October 08, 2023, 08:39:19 AM
:) Oh really  ;)

I'm in no way a Leather Crafter.  Nor Saddle maker.  Don't make boot laces either.  So I may well not be in great position, but it seems to me a great salesman in our sordid past said it best.   ??? 

"There Is a Sucker Born Every Minute."  Bridges anyone??  I've got some really nice Bridges available.  Last really good one came from London.   :o  Lemmie check my inventory!!  8)
Yep! They have a target audience. Europeans are all in on their environmentalism and animal rights nonsense. They think we're violent neanderthals so naturally, we only care about if the steak tastes good and if the eggs sizzle in the pan. I don't think critters should suffer needlessly but other than that, how they got to my plate, I really don't care.
SASS #81,827


:) Hear Hear !!  ;)

PLUS ONE for CraigC.

Graveyard Jack

And I didn't mean to imply that we weren't violent neanderthals. :P
SASS #81,827


:) Well There Ya Go  ;)

ANOTHER PLUS ONE for CraigC you betcha!!

I rather cotton to that Moniker yes I do.  Violent Neanderthals has a nice ring to it.

Oh, and let us not forget PETA.  People Eating Tasty Animals!!!  Most Sublime.


Hi, in looking for something on Amazonion, I found a backpack that was made of Vegan Leather i.e. leather made of mashed up plants more or less.  If you wear the backpack in the rain, I wonder if it sprouts?
BOSS #230

Brevet Lieutenant Colonel
Division of Oklahoma

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