FT Reno OK

Started by OKIEPAN, September 13, 2021, 04:32:52 PM

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Has  anyone out there recently attended the Cavalry school at Historic Ft Reno ??
And any units out there in Oklahoma? Post CW



I went out there a few years back.  The Cavalry School is no longer in session, but there is one somewhere in the US.  The old fort is getting torn down, but I don't know how much is gone.  The 2021 contest is in September 2021 and is usually worth watching.  I imagine it will be cancelled, but with the exception of the wagons, you don't have to get too close. 


BOSS #230

Brevet Lieutenant Colonel
Division of Oklahoma

S. Quentin Quale, Esq.

I'm on the USCA Board and "so far, so good."   ;)  We are just about packed and ready to head out on Friday.  As a member of management I get to "sweat" a bit for cause as we are usually the "worker bees" that make things happen. 

I'm also the co-director of the Major Howze Mobility Test.  In this event a team of not more than 8 riders must transit a course of 7-8 miles and then perform a saber charge against simulated enemy figures.  It is a remembrance of an event during the Punitive Expedition.  It is a timed event and the team must meet their time by plus or minus two minutes.  This is a challenge for the team leader.  It is quite a production and sometimes the cause of both humor and anxiety. 

If you want to learn more go to  https://uscavalryassociation.org/  and click on "Events."  Your support of the USCA is encouraged and membership information is under the "Join" link. 

It's a pretty good show and we've got social functions on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evenings.

We have some Federally imposed standards on "social gathering" indoors, but outdoors is pretty much open (no pun intended).

Sad Full Disclosure:  We are at the Fort by the sufferance of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the owners of the Fort.  The local administration has traditionally been VERY supportive of our event but are subject to the direction of the President in how they operate.  We can get "shut down" by a single phone call.  So far that has not happened.  Lord Willing, it won't.

If you're in the area come by and say "hello."  I'm the guy in the Navy uniform!!!  :)



Hi Quentin
I'll try to get out there, but I have conflicts.  I'll wear my Gray John Wayne Cavalry hat from the Trilogy if I go.
BOSS #230

Brevet Lieutenant Colonel
Division of Oklahoma

S. Quentin Quale, Esq.

Look forward to seeing you if you can make it.  :)



Hi Quentin
The plan is to pick up a guy I work with, head to Cattleman's for breakfast, and head to Fort Reno.  See you tomorrow.
BOSS #230

Brevet Lieutenant Colonel
Division of Oklahoma


I'm a bit late with this, but good to meet you, Quentin.  I had a blast and I brought another guy from work. 
BOSS #230

Brevet Lieutenant Colonel
Division of Oklahoma

S. Quentin Quale, Esq.

Thank you for your support, Sir!!!  :)

It is is a Good Show and we are constantly trying to make it better from both the point of view of the spectators and that of the competitors.  This IS a "competition" and for the Active Duty Army units a matter of "bragging rights."  We have a fair number of "independent" competitors as well.  All in all, we think it's fun!

We don't have a firm date for next year but the last full week of September is likely.  Hope to see you there!  :)


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