Line work

Started by Graveyard Jack, March 16, 2021, 12:27:10 AM

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Graveyard Jack

How do you all do your line work when you frame out your tooling, with a stitch groover or swivel knife? I've been doing it strictly with the stitch groover since the beginning and struggling with it the whole time. Especially on patterns with swoopy throats, like the Slim Jim and Mexican loop styles. I've also done double or triple border stamping with just lightly marking with the wing divider or even eyeballing it. I think it looks better with line work. It never occurred to me to use the swivel knife instead. Good Lord, what a difference it makes! Not only is it a million times easier to get consistent results but it's fun! I've done eight holsters in the last two weeks, about half and half. I'll never use the stitch groover again, except for stitch grooves.  ::)
SASS #81,827

Marshal Will Wingam

Yeah, that swivel knife is the one to have for all line work except stitch lines. It brings up another question: Do you have one of the good quality ones with bearings in it? If not, that will be another major step in the 'easy and fun' direction. Your knife cuts are smoother and better with a good one.

I went through three of the cheapos until I finally laid down the cash for a good quality one. Now I wouldn't use anything else. The ones sold by Barry King and Hackbarth are top quality. I know there are others but can't think of them at this time. I have three Hackbarths. They're stainless steel and are buttery smooth. Every time I pick one up, I appreciate the quality.

SCORRS     SASS     BHR     STORM #446

Graveyard Jack

I would say I have a 'decent' one but could use a better one. I got one of Tandy's ceramic blades and had a hard time finding a handle that would fit it. They sent me a used rubber one that is not very good. I have a stainless "pro" version that has bearings and is pretty good but the ceramic blade doesn't fit. So I'm using it with a 3/8" straight blade. I may order one from Barry King, as I was thinking about getting some of their modeling spoons anyway. I may order a couple swivel knife handles with different blades.
SASS #81,827

Marshal Will Wingam

I've been fortunate to have all the same fit on my swivel knives and blades. Tandy and some others use a different size than Barry King. Be sure to check what you are getting for blade fit. I think my Hackbarths are 7/32". I'll check that.

Edit: The caliper gave up. Can't check that right now.

SCORRS     SASS     BHR     STORM #446

Graveyard Jack

It's been a few years since I got it but I'm pretty sure it was supposed to fit, just didn't. Don't know if it was an out of spec blade or what. I actually like the steel blade better.
SASS #81,827

Cliff Fendley

I've tried the stitch groover but as you say it's hard to get an even flow around deep throats and it's not period correct when you look at original holsters. I usually use a wing divider to lay out a very light line to follow then use a beader blade on a swivel knife or a push beader to do the outline.

All that said I'm not super happy with the beader blades I have. Can someone recommend the best beaders to use?

NCOWS 3345  RATS 576 NRA Life member

Johnson County Rangers

Marshal Will Wingam

I have three different types, two steel and one ceramic. They all work fine but the Barry King Steel one is smoother. I make a bead on a scrap then put jeweler's rouge on the bead after it's dry to strop the blades.

SCORRS     SASS     BHR     STORM #446

Graveyard Jack

Pulled the trigger on another order from Barry King. Seems like I'm gonna end up with one of everything they make.  ::)
SASS #81,827

Marshal Will Wingam

Quote from: CraigC on March 17, 2021, 12:32:17 AM
Pulled the trigger on another order from Barry King. Seems like I'm gonna end up with one of everything they make.  ::)
LOL. I know the feeling. ;D

SCORRS     SASS     BHR     STORM #446

Graveyard Jack

PS, I found a seller on Gunbroker with some of Bachman's holsters last night and ordered two of them.
SASS #81,827

Marshal Will Wingam

Ah, photos when you get them, then.

SCORRS     SASS     BHR     STORM #446

Graveyard Jack

Here's one of them. Coincidentally I was already working on a similar pattern for the same gun. The other is a Slim Jim for a 7.5".

SASS #81,827

Rube Burrows

"If legal action will not work use lever action and administer the law with Winchesters" ~ Louis L'Amour

SASS# 84934

Marshal Will Wingam

Those look really good. Thanks for the photos.

SCORRS     SASS     BHR     STORM #446

Cliff Fendley

Are both of those Rick Bachmans?

NCOWS 3345  RATS 576 NRA Life member

Johnson County Rangers

Graveyard Jack

The tan one's Rick's, the brown one's mine.
SASS #81,827

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