Wet Molding a finished holster???

Started by DarkBlack, December 16, 2005, 02:14:55 PM

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I got a holster from Oklahoma Leather  & I was wondering if I could wet mold it to help make a difference in my pistol getting out (and back in)

It's a pretty basic piece of skin, mexican loop design, unlined. BUT it's been oil-rubbed for a finish.

Will that keep it from absobring enough water to make it moldable? Will the holster return to it's original shape because it's oiled.

Any other things I should think about before sticking my holster in the trough?

Ain't it spring yet?!?!?!
Shooting straight means never having to say you're sorry.

-Dark Black
SASS #65451


It depends.  :'(  You can try the following, but it may mess up the finish on your holster. 

You can try putting the holster in a sink of warm water for about 30 seconds.  The holster should be damp but not sopping wet.  Oil your pistol and wrap in plastic wrap and put it in the holster.  If the holster was too tight to start with you can wiggle the gun a bit in the holster to loosen it.  If it was too loose to start with then with the pistol in the holster press the leather in against the gun.  Set the holster aside with the gun in it and let it dry.  If you are trying to make the holster looser then wiggle the gun a couple of times in the holster while its drying.

Gunfighter, SASS 27466, NRA Life, GOFWG, BOSS, RO 1, RO 2

Marshal Will Wingam

Silver rings is right. I suspect it will work fine. Your finish may be slightly dulled or such afterward but a very light application of saddle soap or Lexol should return it to close, and maybe even exactly, to the original color.

SCORRS     SASS     BHR     STORM #446


Dark, I did exactly that on mine. the OK holsters Ive seen [Mine included] Are made of a lighter wt leather. the drying prosess seemed to stiffin them up some. I wetted them, sliped the pistols in, and placed them between the folds of a thick towell. then I sat on them for about 10 min. this left them fairly well moulded to the pistols.after that I adjusted the lip area to accept the cyclinder better. then set them aside to dry fore a few days. the first time I put the pistols in it was a little tight but after the first day they fit well. after a year Ive had to wet and reshape the lip area only[ it got a little floppy]. good luck Dr.
Life is a rush into the unknown, You can duck down real low and hope nothing hits you, Or stand up tall, show it your teeth,and say "Dish it up Baby and dont get stingy with the Peppers!!!"


That's exactly what I needed to know, Thanks Pards.

Finishes come and go, but this thig ain't hangin' there to look pretty, if'n ya cain't git yer gun out what good is a pretty holster?

I guess it'd make the corpse look good. :-X

Thanks again, guys,
Shooting straight means never having to say you're sorry.

-Dark Black
SASS #65451

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