Silver solder wear properties

Started by Black River Smith, June 03, 2020, 03:43:41 PM

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Black River Smith

I have a spot on the Chinese Win 87 that I have to build up 'slightly'.  This is on the bottom of the right arm lifter/carriage that keeps the magazine shells from backing out.  I need only about 1/32 to 1/16" thickness.

My concern is whether the silver solder will hold and wear well enough.  I can braze with MAP gas but do not know if the carriage is heat treated and if I can disperse the heat enough.  I cannot tig weld.

Right now I have 6 pieces of aluminum duct tape on it as a filler/spacer/experimental material.  The shotgun will now operates as a nice easy lever and feed and eject process.  But this is not the fix.

Any advice appreciated.
Black River Smith

Kent Shootwell

Use the solder to attach a piece of steel. Solder will wear quickly.
Little powder much lead shoots far kills dead.
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Professor Marvel

Quote from: Abilene on June 03, 2020, 11:24:29 PM
Non-gunsmith reply: J B Weld??

As Kent said, low temp silver solder doesn't wear well. Even the high temp stuff won't wear as well as braising rod.
JB doesn't wear well either.
One might use JB Weld to fasten a piece of steel , or low temp silver solder as Kent suggested.

I have used "hardware Store" silver solder for front sights, and Stay-Brite (melts @ 430F) , but I really swear by Brownells Force 44 silver solder ( 475F)

good luck.
prof amrvel
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;)  Gomin Nasi Professer   :P

Unfortunately, Silver Solder is a "stickum" and not a filler.  For your Apple-La-Cation, it will work, temporarily.  It will wear quickly and you will be redoing it on a regular basis.  I would be more inclined to use the silver solder to stick a small piece of steel in pace and final shape it with files.  I am also a huge fan of "Force 44."

JB WELD is also just a Stickum although I have use it as a fill between shotgun barrels when I have reduced their length to something more manageable.  That still isn't subject the material to wear.

I can't submit a better suggestion.  Well, at least not one you would appreciate.  I don't like '87s and perhaps my "final solution" might offend.

Black River Smith

Thanks for all the replies.

I did use the JB Weld - steel piece approach back 2-3 yrs.  It only lasted about 2 months and then just fell off.

I know that the silver solder is a great 'holder' but was not acquainted with its' wear.  The solder and steel piece is a good idea.  Don't know why I did not think about that after doing it the JB Weld.  Thanks.

In the end I have decided to have a small shop tig weld the little chunk on and I will file to proper size.  Just more money than I really wanted (like Coffinmaker indicates - why (it is a cheap copy)).  The thing is - I do like the Browning 1887 design, not real practical but for the time it was unique.  Of course I like the Spencer lever rifle also.

So, I just figured out the last part that makes this lever shotgun cycle like an original with no herky-jerky actions. So I want it to work.  Just my fun not competition.

Thank for the ideas and suggestions.
Black River Smith

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