Uberti cattleman light main spring

Started by GSP7, March 18, 2020, 05:09:35 PM

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 Has anyone here used and know, between the Lee Gunsmithing or VTI light main springs.

The Lee looks thinner, lighter in the pics


P.S. I ordered Both springs to play with . thanks anyway


I don't know which would be lighter, but any spring can be made a bit lighter by putting a washer under it.

My experience with Wolff springs is that they aren't the lightest.  However light you go, make sure it will set off whatever primers you may be likely to encounter.
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45 Dragoon

Not only that .  .  .  but, every revolver is different and what all the mainspring has to overcome (handspring tension, left side hand / frame surface, ratchet angle, ratchet surface condition, hand tip condition, left bolt arm tension (related to thickness/length), bolt arm reset cut angle and surface condition, cam height and surface condition as well as transition to cam, hammer screw hole friction, hammer screw friction, hammer side surface condition, and .  .  .  hammer roll condition!)   If it was the same in every revolver, then a "so and so" spring would be expected to have the same result in all of them but. .  .  .   they aren't .  .  .  lol!!!
  You'll just have to do the install and test regiment.
  If you find what "feels good" to you but is too light  for reliability or ignition at all,  you'd be amazed at how well that same spring would do if you minimize the friction from that list o stuff ^^.

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Holy Guacamole Compadre(s)

PLUS ONE to 45 Dragoon You Betcha.  I was gonna toss something out there but The Dragoon covered it all.  THE most important "thing" to be done BEFORE trying to run light springs is to reduce/eliminate contact DRAG in the action.  That means to reduce DRAG EVERYWHERE.

Now, as to the OPs question.  DUNNO.  For all my action work over the years, I preferred "Lee's Gunsmithing Gunfighter" springs (sets) but also used the reduced springs from VTI Gunparts with equally fine results.  I don't like Wolff (Personal Thing).  In use, the Lee's springs exhibit less "stacking" as the hammer is drawn back (to my "feel").  You will also find about 20% of of the hammer resistance (UBERTI) is from the Trigger/Bolt spring.  With correct timing, you can also greatly reduce the T/B spring.  When reducing the T/B spring, it is important also to have a correctly fitted BOLT.

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