
Started by Bruce W Sims, September 16, 2019, 06:51:56 AM

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Bruce W Sims

Hi, Folks:
Finally had to swallow my pride and reach out for help.
I thought that mounting a Buffington sight on my 1883 Trapdoor would be a quick switch but I simply cannot
get the screws on the old sight to turn. I have used penetrating oil and even a sharp rap with a punch and
have had no luck. I am very concerned about possibly tearing up the head of the screws. Has anyone had
experience with this?

Best Wishes......
Best Wishes,



Your nest step is a long soak in penetrating oil.  Then with a very WELL FITTED screwdriver tip loaded up in a 1/4 inch or 3/8 inch impact tool.

Baltimore Ed

I successfully removed the screws on my norinco 1897 trenchgun bayonet mount with an impact screw driver after breaking the corner off one trying to turn it with just arm power. Maybe some heat would help.
"Give'em hell, Pike"
There is no horse so dead that you cannot continue to beat it.

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