An interesting video...

Started by Capt. John Fitzgerald, December 19, 2018, 06:25:12 PM

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Capt. John Fitzgerald

Very informative and, if you have 43 minute of your life to waste, worth watching. :D

You can't change the wind, but you can always change your sails.

Coal Creek Griff

That's from our friend OD#3.  I enjoy his videos.

CC Griff
Manager, WT Ranch--Coal Creek Division

BOLD #921
BOSS #196
1860 Henry Rifle Shooter #173
SSS #573

Capt. John Fitzgerald

Our OD#3?  Good to know!  He has posted many informative SAA videos on YouTube that are worth watching.  Just search for "atlanticproducts."
Thank you OD#3.  Hope you are still here with us!   :)
You can't change the wind, but you can always change your sails.


Hey fellas, those are some mighty fine compliments you just paid me!  I really respect the guys on here, and just knowing that some CAS members like my videos makes it worth the effort.  I hit 1K subs not long ago, and I get several emails a day notifying me of new subs.  I used to just make videos whenever the mood struck me, but I'm starting to feel some pressure now that 1,000 plus folks thought enough of them to actually subscribe.  If I made makeup tutorials or Dollar Tree haul videos, I'd monetize my channel and make one every day.  There's no money in gun videos, so I'll never monetize my youtube channel.  And Patreon has also proven to be ideologically tyrannical as well lately, so I'm glad I never pursued crowdfunding that way, either.  What I do find rewarding, however, is whenever I learn that a true "cowboy gun" aficionado has enjoyed what I produced.   So thanks again, guys for your compliments and for your encouragement!   



Nice video, I really enjoyed it. 

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