Spencer, action over rotation and washers - did not work

Started by Crazeyiven, April 25, 2018, 02:37:57 PM

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Anyone have any experience on this? (Taylor's of course)



The best fix is to add meatal to the front of the trigger plate and reshape


Herbert -

Thanks for your response.

I have been trying to get this thing to work since 2006.

I have taken everything apart ... except the trigger plate ... have never removed it from the stock.

Is there are stop on the trigger plate?




Herbert -

Is there some sort of a stop on the front of the trigger plate?




The stop is the little rounded nob on the trigger plate that slides in the groove of the blocks,if the stop is too short it will slide past the end of the groove in the upper block and jam the action


Hi, Herbert!

Been a while since we've "talked".  You helped early on with other issues!

The action does jam, with two or more in the mag.  But, with one round it slides through smooth as everything, but, if I do the "brisk" in operating the lever, it falls out of the action, just dangling there on the lever screw.

I assume that the gap is between the end of the trigger guard and the block groove?

My son-in-law has a spencer too.  His does not have the "fall out of the action" issues that mine does.  We compared them and measured the gaps (been looking for the numbers, measured with a feeler gauge).  That said, my gap is half what his is ... is there some else?

Again, thanks for your help and interest!


El Supremo

Hello, David:

Am back from the N-SSA Spring nationals.  Have your last two PM's. Thanks.

Have never seen an OAL "SPECIFICATION" for original rounds.  There is a section on cartridges in Marcot that shows dimensions of many original rounds.  Lots of variation.

My limited experience making four repro's function with flat-nosed 56-50 ctg's indicates that the OAL, within a few thousandths shouldn't matter if the SPRING PRESSURES of the cartridge guide pressure on the bullet AND the large coil spring in the magazine tube are BOTH correct.

You are blest to have Eric's functional A'S repro to compare things.

As we Emailed:
IF these springs create the correct forces during cycling, hard alloy bullets are not necessary (to reduce nose gouging); SOFT bullet alloy will be fine.

I saw another mint repro Spencer RIFLE, with Small Arms Approval Card, at Fort Shenandoah in the Lodgewood booth and upon hearing the experienced shooter/seller of high repute say that it functioned slick as OWL'S POOP,  bought it.  He said he found the same spring pressure issues in BOTH originals and repro's.

If yours now cycles fine for the first shot, maybe the mag tube spring is different from Eric's.
Compare them.

Given that the "gap" in your trigger plate is less than Eric's, maybe the rounded groove depth in Eric's block differs.

All the best.  Emails welcome.  Put this lengthy stuff here for the SORI file.  

El Supremo/Kevin Tinny

Pay attention to that soft voice in your head.


If it is still going past the trigger plate more metal must be added to the stop

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