Unexpected find at Cabelas--.32 cal. Merwin Hulbert seven-shooter

Started by DJ, February 05, 2018, 12:05:59 AM

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I like the .44 Merwin Hulberts and have picked up a couple over the years--I can only afford the ones with issues, so they're a little like vintage cars for me--always seem to need some little tweek.

Anyway, I saw a .44 at the Cabelas up the road and stopped by to look.  After looking it over, I decided it just wasn't quite my cup of tea--barrel shortened about an inch, missing the half-cock notch, and pin-punch engraving that some might like, but, although apparently original, this one seemed awfully thin and I think it had a fly fisherman on the side.  To be fair, though, the bore wasn't too bad and it had the best suction I have ever seen on a Merwin Hulbert--it seemed like it was spring-loaded.  Still, too much of a project and not quite to my taste.

However, right next to the big one was its little brother--a seven-shot .32 in about as tight a condition as they get.  Bore not bad, and a matching short barrel too boot.  The only real wart is that the lanyard ring was missing.  But just a cool little revolver, and the more I handled it the more I just had to have it.  Aided by three Cabelas gift cards that had accumulated in my wallet from Christmas and some other occasions, and at less than half the price of the bigger one, I decided I just had to have it.  Not the world's beauty, but just a real cool little revolver.  Now to find that lanyard ring!


Dave T

Outstanding find. A matched shorter barrel and a folding hammer to boot. KOOL!

Out of curiosity and interest, what are the two barrel lengths?



Barrel lengths are 3½ inches and 5½ inches.

I had never played with one of the folding hammers before; it turns out the thumb piece is spring-loaded to hold it in either the open or closed positions.  If you pull the thumb piece back to cock the hammer and then snap the hammer with the thumb piece in the unfolded position, the thumb piece snaps closed--ready to stick back in your pocket, I guess.  A very ingenious device.



NO.  Not actually.  If the folding hammer folds when the hammer falls, it means the retaining spring is KAPUT and need to be replaced.  A new one will have to be made.  I can do that for ya.  Ship the pistol to me (need both barrels sets too) and I'll fix the little spring and do a thorough function/safety check as well.  I should be able to complete the work and the inspections/safety checks in from 3 to 5 years and ship it back to you.  :o    Eventually  ::)   Unless you forget I still have it   :P   In which case I'll have to claim it for unpaid storage fees  8)



Thanks for helping me learn about this terrible defect.   I didn't realize I had bought such a piece of junk.   :( 

I really appreciate your offer to fix things up for me and decided to take you up on it.   :D

I couldn't make the trip myself, but I left the frame and both barrels on the seat of a bus headed your direction.    ;)

Please let me know when they arrive.  ::)


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