What kind of clock is this?

Started by SimmerinLightning, January 07, 2018, 07:37:22 PM

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Just saw this clock in an episode of Gunsmoke. What would the numbers around the periphery be for? I'm thinking maybe it somehow tracks the day of the month, but I don't see an extra hand for that or any other way that it actually indicates what day it is. What else could it possibly be for though?

Baltimore Ed

Here's one with all the gizmos. Pretty clever.
"Give'em hell, Pike"
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Quote from: Baltimore Ed on January 07, 2018, 08:37:39 PM
Here's one with all the gizmos. Pretty clever.
Holy cow I bet there are a thousand little gears in that thing.

I wonder what the really tiny face just below center is for. Can't quite make out the details.

Professor Marvel

Quote from: SimmerinLightning on January 07, 2018, 08:55:16 PM
Holy cow I bet there are a thousand little gears in that thing.

I wonder what the really tiny face just below center is for. Can't quite make out the details.

main dial indicates day of the month

top sub-dial is standard clock
left  subdial is Day of Week
right subdial is phase of moon
bottom subdial is  complicated
   - inner ring indicates month
   -outer ring indicates week of the year (out of 52)
   -middle ring indicates "Day of the Month at the End of Every Seven Days"

tiny sub-subdial  between Dec and Jan is the "sweep second hand"

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