A question for resident New Mexicans...

Started by Isbjorn, October 12, 2017, 07:00:03 PM

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Research tells me NM is an open carry state. Can anyone tell me what the real world situation generally is?  Particularly, if one was in Lincoln, San Patricio, Ft. Sumner, and like that, is there anything to watch out for?
I'm particularly wondering about being in regalia/persona/impression when a festival or gathering is NOT going on.
What do the locals think?
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Do unto others before others do it unto you.

Professor Marvel

Greetings My Good Bjorn

outside of ABQ and Sante Fe ordinary folk wearing ordinary clothing open carry on a regular basis. I see everything from SAA or DA in leather to Glocks and Sigs in plastic.

Out here in NM "ordinary clothing" varies from "cowboy goin' to meetin' " to real-world ranch wear, to folks that wear El Paso and WAhmaker brands for daily wear. And golf shirts and jeans.

One Just needs to pay attention to bars, booze stores, federal buildings, schools, and "not here " signs. One local grocery store put up a "not here" sign, but it came down after a week when ALL the locals and the local businessmen ( who all CC ) told the owner to stuff it.

We like it in NM.
A lot.

prof marvel
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That's good news. I used to run semis from Tucson to Denver and back on I10 and I25, and from CA to points east on I40. I actually have been from Tucson to Tucumcari, Tehachapi to Tonopah. Point is, every stop or layover I had in NM was enjoyable and the people were mostly excellent. Sometimes we would cut off the leg of I25 between Albuquerque and Las Vegas on I40/US84. There is (was) a Mexican restaurant in LV across from a gas station. When we told them we were out of Tucson, and liked Sonora Style food, every time we stopped in they would cook up a local dish to convince us that the NM style was better. Good stuff, Maynard.
I've had an interest in the real Lincoln County Fracas off and on for a long time.
Once I'm free and clear to navigate out of CA I intend to hit as many OW spots as possible, and there are a few in NM I want to go back to.
It's good to know about the carry business.
Gracias, compadre!
The REAL code of the West:
Do unto others before others do it unto you.

Yeso Bill

I live 40 miles SW of Yeso so I am very familiar with the area you are inquiring about.  I suspect SE N.M is quite abit more conservative than the part Professor Marvel hails from and I say that because I am a lifelong resident of this area and I have only seen open carry in town (Roswell)  on only two separate occasions.  I have never seen anyone open carrying in Ft. Sumner, Carrizozo, Capitan, Vaughn.... besides the law, of course.

I'll add, even though I know few people there, these are small rural communities and everybody knows everybody for miles and miles around.  The odds of being robbed are extraordinary high.  

I'm sure open carry is seen more often in the small towns in the brushy / timbered areas during hunting season.  

New Mexico is a very friendly gun carry state and has had legal open carry since the establishment of the territory.  Years ago the Supreme Court ruled that your automobile is an extension of your home and I always "figured" that about 80% of the traveling residents had some sort of firearm in the vehicle.

CC has caught on like wildfire and a number of years ago an adjoining ranch neighbor put on a CC class at his ranch which pulled in lots of people from a 60 mile radius.  I suspect that is how most New Mexicans are packing their iron.  

But, guns in the ranch country are probably more common than shovels and are discussed about the same.  

As the Professor says, "Yes, we like it in N.M.
A lot".


Professor Marvel

Ah I did forget about the robbery issues in the SE. Possibly due to all the  Oil business?

One other item that needs mentioning is that the Pueblos and ALL Reservations are soveriegn nations and most
do not permit carry or even "having" firearms, and are so posted.

Gracias Mi Amigo

BTW Carry permits are available in Arizona to non-residents via mail ( perhaps due to snow birds?) , and reciprocity covers many states.

prof marvel
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praeceptor miraculum

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Quote from: Professor Marvel on October 13, 2017, 03:09:40 AM

BTW Carry permits are available in Arizona to non-residents via mail ( perhaps due to snow birds?) , and reciprocity covers many states.

prof marvel
Really? When I got my carry permit in AZ it took a class with a written test (you had to score 100% correct) and the next day was a class where every one had to shoot and handle their firearms safely and had to score 80% on proficiency with a firearm. That was for AZ residents, I find it odd that they would issue a permit thru the mail to non residents.
WARTHOG, Dirty Rat #600, BOLD #1056, CGCS,GCSAA, NMLRA, NRA, AF&AM, CBBRC.  If all that cowboy has ever seen is a stockdam, he ain't gonna believe ya when ya tell him about whales.


Years ago when I was hauling acid from/to various mines in Southern AZ, they were considering a CC bill. I asked a detective from a mining town what he thought, and he said something like "I don't think it matters much. If you're not a criminal, and carry properly, nobody will ever know. When's the last time you were frisked by a cop?"
The REAL code of the West:
Do unto others before others do it unto you.

Yeso Bill

There are some Arizona antelope hunters here now.  They stopped by at noon and I asked about Arizona CC carry and they said you must be an Arizona resident.


Professor Marvel


" Arizona is a Shall Issue State and issues concealed weapon permits to residents of Arizona as well as out-of-state/non-residents. Shall Issue means that the Arizona Department of Public Safety must issue you a permit even after meeting all requirements for an Arizona Handgun Permit. The relevant Arizona statute is here: 13-3112. Concealed weapons; qualification; application; permit to carry; civil penalty; report; applicability"

you need to get the application packet ffrom AZ, take approved classes and provide all the doco and proof of classes, etc.

detail links from Arizona
Obtaining a Permit

      A:       Yes. You must be a resident of Arizona or a U.S. citizen."


prof marvel
Your Humble Servant

praeceptor miraculum

~~~~~Professor Algernon Horatio Ubiquitous Marvel The First~~~~~~
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Professor Marvel's
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Then open carry will do. I'n not jumping through their BS hoops and paying their BS fees. IF I CC, nobody will ever know unless I have to use it.
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