Working up a .45 Colt Black Powder load for an Open Top

Started by Elisharoot, July 13, 2017, 11:52:21 PM

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Hello All,
I've become pretty addicted to open tops lately, namely my Uberti Richards Mason Army revolver in .45 Colt. I like how the gun points and handles and its overall look. What I don't like is how it shoots, but I think that's more due to my inexperience with reloading. So if you'd be so kind, I'd like to bombard you all with my stupid newbie questions; and there are a lot of them. Here goes:

For starters, because of the fixed sights on the Richards, I'm attempting to adjust my elevation by experimenting with different bullet weights and charges. I started by casting up some 454190 Lyman 250 grain bullets seated over 35 gr. FFFG Goex black powder. That produced groups that shot roughly 7" above point of aim. So I figured I would try the other extreme and load some .454 180 gr. Wadcutters seated on top of 35 gr. FFFG Goex. This brought my point of impact down to my point of aim, but the groups were very inconsistent. I started getting "flyers" every couple of shots that were no where near the rest of the group.

So my question is: where do I go from here? Were my "flyers" from the wadcutter loads likely the result of too heavy a powder charge, or was it possible that the black powder fouling in the bore was the culprit? How much does fouling play a role in accuracy when shooting black powder rounds? Can I dial down the powder charge on these loads without sacrificing too much elevation?

Would experimenting with different charges in my 250 gr. loads effect the elevation enough to shoot point of aim, or am I pretty limited due to the heavy weight of the bullet?

Does anyone else have any experience in working up a black powder load for the Uberti Open tops that produce groups that are relatively close to point of aim?

Thanks guys!
Elisha Root


There are several things that will come into play here.  One aspect is bullet weight and you are a little bit handicapped by your heavy bullet.  And your running a pretty stout powder load.  In addition .....

Have you investigated the Barrel to Arbor fit yet??  Good chance your barrel is moving on the arbor from shot to shot.  THE first thing to do with an Open Top (Uberti build) is to check and correct the Barrel to Arbor fit.

The other consideration is the shooter.  That big ol heavy bullet and stout powder charge may well be inducing flinch.  Good Luck!!


Tuolumne Lawman

For many years I shot Holy Black for CAS.  I found maximum BP loads were less than optimum.  I my prior Open Top, I found a .45 Schofield case with a 200-230 grn bullet and about 26 grains FFG was an excellent load.  Plenty of thump, but not erratic.
CO. F, 12th Illinois Cavalry  SASS # 6127 Life * Spencer Shooting Society #43 * Motherlode Shootist Society #1 * River City Regulators

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