
Started by LonesomePigeon, August 30, 2017, 01:37:29 PM

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I recently started casting and reloading for .45 Colt. Casting with pure lead and loading with black powder, Cream of Wheat filler and a beeswax/lamb tallow lubed wad. My basic question is, can you crimp too much? I mean, can over crimping be hard on the gun or create unsafe pressures when using black powder and pure lead bullets?

Kent Shootwell

You can safely crimp as heavy as you like. You will soon learn that you won't want to crimp any more then nessasary. A heavy crimp will produce cracked case mouths and can bulge the cartridge.
Little powder much lead shoots far kills dead.
Member, whiskey livers
AKA Phil Coffins, AKA Oliver Sudden


  I try not to crimp heavy. When I set the crimp I usually just hold the round up to the light and watch when the case goes from belled to slightly inward. I have not seen any cracks and the cases are easy to eject so I must be doing it okay. Thanks for the info.


SET THE CRIMP: Run the case fully up in the ram then screw the die down till it just touches the mouth.  lower the ram and screw the die down 1/2 turn more, and lock it.

SET SEATING DEPTH:  Put a nickel under the lock ring to get the die up off the case mouth.  Use/adjust the seating stem to seat the bullet juuuuust short of the top of the crimp groove.  Back the seat stem off several turns; screw the die all the way down to the lock ring; raise the ram/seated bullet and finish crimping the completed cartridge.

WHILE THE BULLET IS UP IN THE SEATING DIE & CRIMPED: Screw the seating stem down to meet the bulllet, and lock it.

You can now seat & (properly) crimp in a single step.


OK.  First up, let's answer your original Basic Question(s).

Can you crimp too much > Yes.  An overly heavy crimp will shorten case life.

Can over crimping be hard on the gun > No.  But it may get you a little extra felt recoil.

Can over crimping create unsafe pressures using Black Powder and pure lead Bullets > No.

I am a believer in a good solid crimp.  A solid crimp holds the bullet long enough to get an efficient burn started.  This is especially important when using reduced charges.

While you didn't ask a specific question, you did mention you were beginning to cast your own bullets to load for 45 Colt.  What Bullet??  The reason I ask the bullet, most common smokeless bullets will not carry enough lube and you did mention you were using a lubed wad.  A lubed wad is a nuisance.  I would have suggested you start with Big Lube bullets which eliminate the need for lubed wads.  Just my take.

Almost forgot.  A good solid crimp, using ALL the available crimp groove will not change case life enough to spit at.

Sagebrush Burns

Quote from: Kent Shootwell on August 30, 2017, 02:33:40 PM
You can safely crimp as heavy as you like. You will soon learn that you won't want to crimp any more then nessasary. A heavy crimp will produce cracked case mouths and can bulge the cartridge.

It isn't the crimp that causes cracked case mouths, it is over-expanding the case mouth for lead bullets.  Set the bell at minimum and there is very little problem.


And PLUS ONE to Sagebrush.  Bell the case just enough to get clean bullet entry.


Quote from: Coffinmaker on September 03, 2017, 09:45:40 PM
And PLUS ONE to Sagebrush.  Bell the case just enough to get clean bullet entry.

add on -- a lotta size dies squeeze the case neck down way too small and then expander them back up to correct diameter (got a couple LEE dies do this) thats lots of extra work on the brass too . 

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