Started by murbas, January 02, 2018, 11:42:38 AM

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Just got my Taylor's 1875 schofield 7'' barrel .38 spl and would like to join BOSS. Also, does any one know how well the ajax pearlite grips fit this gun? I am ok with with doing some fit work if needs be.

St. George

"It Wasn't Cowboys and Ponies - It Was Horses and Men.
It Wasn't Schoolboys and Ladies - It Was Cowtowns and Sin..."

Jack Straw

           Unlike slapping new grips on a 1911, changing from the original grips on most any revolver almost always brings up the issue of fit.  The grip frames are surprisingly inconsistent on every brand, yes, even Ruger.

I've owned a half dozen Uberti Schofield revolvers and every darned one needs a different fit on replacement stocks.   If a set of Ajax grips arrives oversized you're in luck and in for some work.  The chances are 50-50 that you'll receive undersized grips that won't need work aside from taking them to the post office for the return.

If you get lucky and find a pair with acceptable fit run, don't walk to buy some lottery tickets. ;D


the ajax pearlite schofield grips, that i bought  on sale from cdnn, actuallly fit my taylor's schofield good enough not to need fitting! a little oversize, but nothing i can't live with! after having to custom fit a pair of  buffalo bros, hickok eagles to my taylor's 1851 navy conversion, it was nice just to screw the ajax grips onto the schofield!!

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