Winter Range Color Guard

Started by cpt dan blodgett, January 14, 2016, 11:44:10 PM

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cpt dan blodgett

About 6 weeks out any info on this??
Queen of Battle - "Follow Me"
NRA Life
DAV Life

Sagebrush Burns

Capt Dan you beat me to it.

For some years now GAF Department of the Platte has provided the color guard for the opening ceremonies at Winter Range, the SASS national championship match held this year from February 22nd -28th.  The opening ceremony will be the evening of the 24th at 7PM in the main tent.  We need troops in uniform (we are relaxed about specific era and historical perfection) with military rifles, carbines or sabers.  If you can participate or are interested please get in contact with Sagebrush Burns via this thread, PM, or e-mail (  As always it is an honor and privilege to present the colors in the company of fellow GAF members.

Sagebrush Burns
Dept of the Platte

Cowtown Scout

Col. Burns Sir
As stated in my reply to your email, I will be attending Winter Range this year and would be honored to serve in the color guard at the opening ceremony. As requested I will bring a saber/sword and a long gun for use as may be needed.
GAF #510, STORM #98, GOFWG #126, SSS #211, SBSS #1713, CVV
Life Member: SASS, LSA, ORA, Whittington Center, LSFSC, Founders Club (Gold)
Benefactor Member: NRA and TSRA, Past President TSRA

Sagebrush Burns


Thank you in advance to all who take part!
I remain, Your Ob'd Servant,
Jerry M. "Pitspitr" Davenport
(Bvt.)Brigadier General Commanding,
Grand Army of the Frontier
BC/IT, Expert, Sharpshooter, Marksman, CC, SoM
NRA Benefactor Life; AZSA Life; NCOWS Life

Colt Laredo

It was an honor to participate last year.

Count me in if you need me again. I'll be there.

Colt Laredo

Sagebrush Burns

Quote from: Colt Laredo on January 18, 2016, 02:21:51 PM
It was an honor to participate last year.

Count me in if you need me again. I'll be there.

Colt Laredo

Sir, you are in!  Thank you.  Maybe see you at Rio in the meantime?

Colt Laredo

Always fun to shoot with you Sagebrush. It's great seeing you shoot the Spencer.
See you at the next match!

Colt Laredo

I was noticing on the Winter Range schedule that the opening ceremony is at 5:30 this year.

Is that the time when we bring in the flags?

Sagebrush Burns

Damn Colt, I'm glad somebody around here is keeping up to date and keeping me in line and on task.  I will double check with WR management and confirm that and respond here when I have done so.

Sagebrush Burns

I have been able to confirm the 5:30PM start time for the opening ceremonies.  We will meet at the main entrance to the big tent at 5:15.  Please be in uniform and bring your rifle/carbine and/or saber.  I will bring a saber, Spencer carbine and two white flag carriers.  We will make final assignments of positions and equipment on scene, depending on what shows up.

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