(Kinda frustrating)...Getting better

Started by SimmerinLightning, September 14, 2015, 07:19:48 PM

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I never have been a particularly good pistol shot, and up until about a month and a half ago I hadn't fired any gun in over 4 years, and no handgun in six or seven years. When I first started with these navies, I couldn't even keep all the rounds on an 11×14 paper at 10 yards. Now I am keeping a 6-inch or so circle at 25 yards, which is not great but it is about where I used to be. Of course, that is with my rendition of a Weaver stance, which shooting percussion revolver two-handed just somehow seems immoral...

Now with centerfire revolvers, man I am sucking wind.  Old Vaquero .45, Cimarron Lightning .38, even a Man With no Name, which I had high hopes for because of the similar platform, it just ain't happening.

I think the moral of the story is I need to trade all my revolvers for cap&ballers.


Join the club.  I have a conversion for my Remington but I almost always grab an 1860 army, a navy or my dance bros.   those I understand and can keep them going in the general area I want them.   I have had preppers tell me I should have this or that for when it all goes to pot, well a fancy modem gun is worth Doodly squat if I can't hit anything.  ;)


Cap Gun Club.  Yep.  I've managed to sell all but a couple of my suppository shooters over the past three seasons.  Switched to Cap Guns.
Entirely too much fun.  Especially the Snubbies.  Snubbies are just too kool for skool!!

25lb powder, 50lb shot, 4000 caps stashed away.  Preppers, Meh.  I'll keep my Cap Guns thanx.



This is more like it. Man w/no Name, seventeen out of 20 at 25 yards. The green X is point of aim after the first 4 rounds. Looks like I need to pound on that rear sight a little.


Got 'er figgered out, I think. Moved the sight once and came up with this. If I ignore the called flier and the one that, I assume, missed high, it is about a four-inch group. It could be pushed just a tiny bit more left, but as hard as it is to move the sight, I think I will leave it as is, at least until I run a few more rounds through it. The rear sight is kinda riding side-saddle now though :(

Lefty Dude

The SAA products, be they supporsitory guns or front stuffers the hammer travel is long, thus a long lock time. It is very important the shooter hold a firm grip on the piece during the time the trigger is released and the hammer falls completely. One handed or squaw grip, this follow thru is a must for hand gun accuracy.
For building up the wrist muscles and grip strength I suggest a strength device such as a "Grip Master". The grip master comes in various types, I would suggest the red one to start. then go to the black, if needed.

BTW; training with a 22 single action revolver is much cheaper than cartridge or C&B. I shoot my Ruger Single six for practice and tune-ups. Shooting Cowboy on the clock can make for bad habits to return. The humble 22 can heal those bad habits and return your good practice again.


Quote from: Lefty Dude on September 18, 2015, 05:32:09 PM
BTW; training with a 22 single action revolver is much cheaper than cartridge or C&B. I shoot my Ruger Single six for practice and tune-up.
I don't have much spare cash at the moment, and .22lr is still hard to come by around here.  I do have a fair amount of .38 brass, bullets and powder, and a few primers at least. Down to about 40 factory rounds, except for a goodly amount of Winchester 130 fmj, but I am reluctant to shoot jacketed in this particular gun. On one hand, it is a .38 special and so hypothetically should handle any standard-pressure round, but it just doesn't seem prudent. The cylinder is significantly beefier than any of my other .38's, but given the lack of a topstrap, why tempt fate?

Oh yeah, got a little bit of FFg, primers and balls.

Professor Marvel

My Good Monsieur Lightning -

Quote from: SimmerinLightning on September 18, 2015, 10:06:28 PM
I don't have much spare cash at the moment, and .22lr is still hard to come by around here.  I do have a fair amount of .38 brass, bullets and powder, and a few primers at least.

If you have enough .38 brass to dedicate 20 or 50 to "practice only" and can get primers, you can create Wax Loads that are cheap and offer good "basement" practice for very little cost. If you are interested, please reply and one of us can enlighten you as to the process.

prof marvel
Your Humble Servant

praeceptor miraculum

~~~~~Professor Algernon Horatio Ubiquitous Marvel The First~~~~~~
President, CEO, Chairman,  and Chief Bottle Washer of

Professor Marvel's
Traveling Apothecary
Fortune Telling Emporium

Acclaimed By The Crowned Heads of Europe
Purveyor of Patent Remedies, Snake Oil, Powder, Percussion Caps, Cleaning Supplies, Dry Goods,
Picture Postcards

Offering Unwanted Advice for All Occasions
Providing Useless Items to the Gentry
Since 1822
Available by Appointment for Lectures on Any Topic


Want to get better?  Get rid of everything but one gun.  And shoot it a lot.  Lord knows I used to be a lot better shot when I only had one rifle and one hand gun.  Now it takes me a box of ammo or flask of powder to remember how to shoot what ever I'm shooting.

I used to shoot a pair of walkers as main match guns.  As long as I'd go burn a few cylinder full's the day before a match and did a a couple days practice during the week I'd do pretty good.  Also help build the wrist muscles up as I was shooting them one handed.  Now?  It'd take a week of practice just to get a man sized target at 15 yards.
Buzzards gotta eat, same as worms


i'm of the same thought as Perr Fesseur Marvelous.  But different.  Rubber bullets.  Use to get them thru the Dillon Blue Press. 
You have to sacrifice some cases.  Drill out the primer flash hole (instructions included inna box).  Then you make one or more
"gallery boxes."  (made mine from boxes from the Super).  Box open on one side with a worn out Bath Towell inna back to "catch"
the rubber bullets.
They are actually fairly accurate out to about 12 feet (garage perfect).  The only expense after the first use is cost of primers.  Oh, they will tend to get lost under stuff when you miss the box (no personal experience there  ::) ).


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