SxS Hammer Shotgun Technique

Started by Raider Morgan, December 14, 2005, 04:26:19 PM

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Raider Morgan

I am new to CAS, so I am trying to develop some techniques for using a hammer shotgun.  I thought I could get some great advice and pointers here.  I am trying to limit the number of steps it takes to bring the shotgun to my shoulder, ready to fire.  First, let me tell you what I am doing now:
(starting with action open, shotgun off shoulder)
- load the shells with left hand from over the top of the barrels
- close the action and cock right hammer in one move
- bring shotgun to shoulder and cock left hammer in one move
- fire two shots
- lower shotgun from shoulder and open action in one move
- reach for two shells from belt with left hand, shuck shells from chambers with right, by jerking back on the shotgun.
- repeat

Does this sound right?  Maybe you have some advice that could help me speed this up, or just shorten the number of steps by combining a few moves, etc.


Camille Eonich

Howdy Blackjack and welcome to CAS City.

Here's a couple of videos for you to watch of some guys shooting external hammered doubles.

You can see that they pull two from the belt and load...shoot then as they are breaking open the shotgun they pull the left hand back and cock the hammers as they are on the way to the belt.   Pretty quick.

These are from Doc Shapiro's web site.  He'll probably wander in later and give you much more detail than I did.  :D
"Extremism is so easy. You've got your position, and that's it. It doesn't take much thought. And when you go far enough to the right you meet the same idiots coming around from the left."
― Clint Eastwood


The method I use is, shuck fired shell, cock right hammer while pulling shell to reload with left hand, load over top, close action and cock left hammer. 

Now that I have a TTN 1878 sxs I can cock both hammer at the same time. :)

Gunfighter, SASS 27466, NRA Life, GOFWG, BOSS, RO 1, RO 2

Doc Shapiro

Depending on the gun you have, when you stage it you might be able to stage it with the hammers already cocked.  That'll save a little time!

For me, after the first shots, I find that it works best this way (I'm right handed)...

Open and left hand goes for shells while right hand jerks the gun back to shuck out the empties. 
Right thumb cocks one of the hammers.
Put shells in.
Close action and cock the other hammer.
Aim fire, aim fire.
Repeat as needed.

With enough practice, it's possible to shoot so fast that folks don't know how the hammers got cocked!

There's stuff on my web site in the "Tips and Help" section that may help with this as well.



Doc, did a lot better job of explaining it than I did. 

Gunfighter, SASS 27466, NRA Life, GOFWG, BOSS, RO 1, RO 2

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