Cast round balls

Started by SimmerinLightning, September 04, 2015, 09:42:56 PM

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Even if I manage to get them somewhat straight, the seater seems to rotate them somehow. Is there a trick to this, or just more practice?

I prefer the swaged balls anyway, but I figure I may get myself a mold someday just in case.


This is a highly technical answer to your question.  Set the ball on the chamber mouth with the sprue spot "up."  Seat the sucker.  If it rotates a little bit, it doesn't matter.
Personally, I don't load "on the gun."  I have Dirty Dick Dastardly's vaunted and taunted "Tower of Power" cylinder loader.  It works a treat.
And ..... to be honest ........ I've never checked to see if the sprue cut stayed "up."
I do believe, those Shootatics, whom practice bulls eye shooting with Cap Guns are very persnickety  about their balls.  Us CAS shooters, on the other hand, just want the ball to go straight for about 8 yards (mostly).  The position of the sprue cut probably changes the balance of the ball somewhat, If off center may even cause it to wobble after it leaves the bore.  As long as my balls wobble on the target, I'm pretty happy with my balls.
I have found a small supply of (gasp) .36 "bullets" that I'm gonna try instead of balls.  EPP UG .36  Never shot "bullets" inna Cap Gun so it should be interesting.  Fun Too.


Lefty Dude

For loading with the lever on the Revolver, a helpful device is a Slix-Hand. Made by the same outfit that makes the Slix-nipples.

I load my Colts with the loading lever on the piece assisted by the Slix Hand. Much quicker & faster.

Blackpowder Burn


I've just started using a bullet (instead of a round ball) in my Old Army's.  A 220 grain bullet over 30 grains of BP barks darn near as authoritatively as a 45 Colt.  ;D
Learned Brother at Armes

Montana Slim

Try seating with the flat or sprue side down.
If it moves a shade offa center, you'll never know it.

Western Reenacting                 Dark Lord of Soot
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Lefty Dude

I cast my .36 & 44 round balls, and for the distance we shoot in CAS/SASS I do not care much where the sprue is positioned in the chamber mouth.
Now if it is shooting for accuracy, well now I get a little more precise with my ball, chamber placement. I might even weigh each ball, so all might be equal, as well as the Black powder charge. Have even selected the caps for weight also. Loading I do with my Tower-of- Power.
Yep I can get a little anal, if I chose.

But most of the time it is, Load them balls, shoot and have fun trying to find the targets thru all that smoke !

Those who shoot with their Balls, have the most fun of all !!!!!


Round ball being made off of ball bearing machinery stopped me from casting my own many years ago.
No seam, no casting spur to aligned during loading.
True it maybe a bit more expensive, until you take into account the cost of the mold and the lead melting equipment and the time involved to do the casting.
My best,
A Time for Prayer.
"In times of war and not before,
God and the soldier we adore.
But in times of peace and all things right,
God is forgotten and the soldier slighted"
by Rudyard Kipling.
Blair Taylor
Life-C 21


I put a little blurb up on the darksiders den about my fun with the EPP UG 36 today.  Nothing startling or earth shaking.  Twaz a fun day playing with a "bullet" as opposed to a round ball.

Wonder how'd they'd work loaded upside down .......... hmmmmmmmmmmm  :o


Lefty Dude


I believe Howdy Doody was doin something similar to that a few years back by loadin his cowboy bullets nose first into the cartridges. wM1
WARTHOG, Dirty Rat #600, BOLD #1056, CGCS,GCSAA, NMLRA, NRA, AF&AM, CBBRC.  If all that cowboy has ever seen is a stockdam, he ain't gonna believe ya when ya tell him about whales.

Crow Choker

I use nothing but Lee molds for all my round ball percussion revolver casting. They leave no sprue of any significance to worry what way its seated. I do have a .440 Lyman mold I use for my 45 cal TC Hawken and from I've seen of other Lyman round ball molds, they do leave a pretty good sprue. I used to have a Lyman .451 RB mold that I used on my first 44 cal 1851 style Colt, but use nothing else but .454 for 44 cal and .380 for 36 cal hoglegs. Agree with Lefty Dude that at shooting at CAS distance's and targets it won't make any significant dent. Shooting at paper trying to place all shots in a clover leaf, ya probably will (if you can get a cap and ball to do so you have a keeper).

Back in the mid 70's when I started reloading, especially for 38 cal wadcutters loads to be used in PPC and PCC(police combat course), I would separate my cast bullets (even would weigh out Speers) for consistency, drop Bullseye powder from the powder measure light, then use a powder trickler to finish off the 2.8 grains wanted--all to get the most accurate ammo I could. From a sandbag those babies were MOA on paper (at least cover em with the palm of my hand). One day it hit me that for shooting at man size silhouette's six shots double action from 25-7 yards it didn't mean 'squat' for the paper punchin' MOA loads I was reloading. I just started using bullets at will and setting the powder measure to 2.8 grains and my scores never dropped (96-98 average), nor the center mass groups I had before. There are times and places for being super precise, CAS/combat shooting isn't one of them IMO.   
Darksider-1911 Shooter-BOLD Chambers-RATS-SCORRS-STORM-1860 Henry(1866)-Colt Handgun Lover an' Fan-NRA-"RiverRat"-Conservative American Patriot and Former Keeper & Enforcer of the Law an' Proud of Being Both! >oo


Quote from: Crow Choker on September 06, 2015, 10:44:47 AM
I use nothing but Lee molds for all my round ball percussion revolver casting. They leave no sprue of any significance to worry what way its seated. I do have a .440 Lyman mold I use for my 45 cal TC Hawken and from I've seen of other Lyman round ball molds, they do leave a pretty good sprue. I used to have a Lyman .451 RB mold that I used on my first 44 cal 1851 style Colt, but use nothing else but .454 for 44 cal and .380 for 36 cal hoglegs.
The ones I have now, I do not know what mold they came from. I bought them prepackaged from a local shop that either makes them or sells them for someone. I wanted to try some .380's and this is what they had. I think I prefer the Hornady's anyway, but like I said I may buy a mold and some lead at some point just in case.
The sprue on these is approximately 0.205" and looks fairly large, to me at least.


If you like round balls Lee now sells a 6 cavity mould, as does Dick Dastardly.  The leave a "tangible" sprue, which is to mean nearly nothing but a tiny flat spot.

Most times I load a Lee conical bullet, little heavier and little more "whack" on the target, and very accurate and easy to load, at least in my navies, and Uberti 1860's.
Buzzards gotta eat, same as worms


BALLS!!  Said the Queen.  Had I but two, and I'd be KING!!  Now, twouldent that be Fun!!  ;D  Where  was I?  Oh yea ... Balls ..

In the past, I have been known to make what were, in those Halcyon days of yesteryear, called "Gallery Loads."  Normal cartridge cases, with a reduced charge (fillers in the past) and topped with a round ball.  Very light recoil and perfect for those who practice recreational
paper punching.  Or ..... Practicing for the Duel, as it twer.  Where was I going .....??  Oh Yea ...... Balls

Yesterday, had occasion to shoot a "Planesman" match with a friends rifle.  45-70, I believe to be a "Handy Rifle."  I don't know what his
actual load was and forgot to ask, but the load was topped with big 'ol Round Ball.  Out to a hundred yards, it shot like a laser.  And,
a pussy cat for recoil.  Really fun rifle with that load.  Really light little rifle.  With a full case and 405+ bullets, no fun atall I bet.


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