I'm nothing, if not wildly inconsistent

Started by SimmerinLightning, September 21, 2015, 06:19:50 PM

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Yesterday I figured I would try to work up some mild handloads for my MWnN, using Unique and some 140-grain TC's- all I have at present except some 158 SWC's. At some point I need to acquire some 125's. Anyway, I couldn't keep them all on an 11×14 target. Hmm... So I pulled out a couple other guns, with the same result. Crap.

Today I went out and tried it again. Much better results. Six and seven inch groups. Nothing to brag about but nothing to be ashamed of either. So I grabbed the last six reloads I had and ran them through the open-top. A 2-1/2-inch five-shot group, and even with the flier included it is just at 3-1/2 inches. I wish I had had about a dozen more to try. 

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