BH project - where do I turn to?

Started by Powertrip, March 26, 2015, 10:03:48 PM

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I'm interested in a couple things and I'm hoping to roll them into one project but not sure who to talk to about making it happen.

I am interested in getting a Blackhawk for hunting. I've never hunted with a revolver so it'll be a new experience for sure.

I am also enamored with the movie prop Buntline that Kurt Russell used in Tombstone. Now I know that they are available through Cimmaron, but as I understand it, 45LC hunting power loads should only really be used in BH frames due to the pressures/stresses. So I want to get a BH in 45LC with a 10" barrel but the longest they come in is 7.5". I could get a SBH that does actually come in 10.5" but I don't want 44mag, even though I know it opens up availability on hunting rounds.

So my question is, who do I turn to to have a 10-10.5" barrel put on a 45lc Blackhawk? I'm hoping for a fairly quick turn around, I'm not looking for an action job or any other 'smithing touches other than the rebarrel.

I would've asked Ruger but since they don't have a custom shop I'm figuring third party Smithis my only way to go.

I'm in north Florida, just south of Jacksonville in St Augustine, if that helps anyone point me towards a local.

Thanks, everyone!

Major 2

A fellow Cracker  :)  I'm over Orlando way... 

for your project, I'd look to Gary Reader to start
when planets the deal !


I've looked at his stuff and am IMPRESSED! I guess I should contact him but I ass(umed) I'd be looking at a ridiculous long wait time and was hoping there might be some quality but less back logged 'smiths about.

Thanks for your reply. The family gets down to Orlando about every other month for Universal trips.

King Medallion

Having hunted with my BH and taken several deer with it, I can honestly tell you that hunting with anything longer than a 7 1/2 barrel will be a PITA! Even a 7 1/2 barrel can be a pain. 10'' is a lot of barrel to tote around, doesn't gain you anything, and will be cumbersome to say the least. Just cuz it looks cool on TV doesn't make it fun in the field, especially for your first try at handgun hunting. Stick with a 71/2 barrel, you'll be glad you did. And practice! A lot! It's not as easy as it looks.
King Medallion
I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.


Thank you King!

Followup question for the group then... Since I'm wanting a Ruger lookalike of the Tombstone Buntline... Would I be better off witha Marlin Guide Gun? That was initially what I was looking into before I thought I might be able to scratch two itches with one gun...



I have used a Co. by the name of Bull Creek (208)-691-1043.  Haydon ID. I've had them do work for me in the past, and they are doing some more right now. Quick turn around, Fair on cost. Randy

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